GR translation: who was crossing the great Rio forever

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sun Jun 5 08:53:27 UTC 2022

Right or wrong, I have always read this line as about an archetypal faro
Whappo and Crutchfield he has no name, he is a constant type and his type
is one who
is always, has always, crossed the great Rio over and over. Forever.

On Sun, Jun 5, 2022 at 12:24 AM Mike Jing < at>

> V69.10-13, P70.28-31   Whappo is wearing chaps of imported gazelle hide
> that Crutchfield bought for him in Eagle Pass from a faro dealer with a
> laudanum habit who was crossing the great Rio forever, into the blank
> furnace of the wild Mexico.
> What does it mean for the faro dealer to be "crossing the great Rio
> forever"? Did he actually cross it, or was he forever in the process of
> crossing it?
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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