Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sat Jun 11 10:46:40 UTC 2022

You do not know how to think nor read....nor see distinctions nor
nuance...nor other sources...

I took out all the info from the Ukrainian spokesperson in that NPR piece
and sent it before you did
and there are lots of sources even you like....and even you say the rapes
occur....(a scholar there says not
in every war actually)

Germany's propaganda and lies and evasions and self-interested cowardice is
worse than America's, I say as
stupidly as you say your generalized stupidites....

Yo Mama too.....

On Sat, Jun 11, 2022 at 6:33 AM Thomas Eckhardt via Pynchon-l <
pynchon-l at> wrote:

> As regards the story about the rapes, I was not referring to a specific
> article or a specific media outlet but to a propaganda narrative which
> originated from the Ukrainian government, was spread by Western media
> and governments with varying degrees of cautiousness, and was further
> spread by Twitter accounts without any caution at all.
> The U.S. Ambassador to the UN:
> 'Thomas-Greenfield said Russian forces were "wielding sexual violence as
> a weapon of war," and that the U.S. government had received reports
> "that Russian soldiers raped Ukrainian women for hours — and then killed
> them."'
> Examples from the media include:
> If the NYT did not take part in this, good for them.
> What I also meant to say was that I do not believe that the NYT and the
> WP will report on the firing of the Ukrainian human rights commissioner
> and the reasons for it. Hopefully, they will prove me wrong and correct
> the record.
> The OSCE is probably the best source we have. Instead of the propaganda
> narrative of a Manichean fight between good and evil we get this much
> more reasonable assessment:
> "As this report shows, violations occurred on the Ukrainian as well as
> on the Russian side. The violations committed by the Russian
> Federation, however, are by far larger in nature and scale."
> Am 11.06.2022 um 04:56 schrieb Robert Mahnke:
> > I took you to imply that the New York Times has reported that Russia
> > has used mass rape as a weapon of war, although perhaps I
> > misunderstood you. Curious, I searched the Times. The only articles I
> > see note allegations of multiple rapes, but do not suggest they are
> > fact, and also note allegations about similar conduct by Ukraine. FWIW.
> >
> >
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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