Re: GR translation: everyone grudging an hour’s sleep

Mike Jing at
Sun May 8 05:57:59 UTC 2022

According to Weisenburger, the date of this episode is still December 18th,
so that might not be it. It doesn't really matter though.

On Sat, May 7, 2022 at 3:49 AM Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at>

> From Wikipedia:
> In the summers of 1941 to 1945, during the Second World War, Britain was
> two hours ahead of GMT and operating on British Double Summer Time(BDST).
> To bring this about, the clocks were not put back by an hour at the end of
> summer in 1940 (BST having started early, on 25 February 1940). In
> subsequent years, clocks continued to be advanced by one hour each spring
> (to BDST) and put back by an hour each autumn (to BST). On 15 July 1945,
> the clocks were put back by an hour, so BDST reverted to BST; the clocks
> were put back by an additional hour on 7 October 1945, so BST reverted to
> GMT for the winter of 1945.
> GR begins in 1944, doesn’t it?
> BDST began at 2 am on Sunday, April 2 that year.
> So if they are begrudging the hour of sleep because of the time change,
> then that fixes the date as April 2nd.
> Or maybe this seance was called earlier than normal, making everyone come
> in early, but there’s no sign of that in the text at all, whereas there are
> 2 references to BDST in the preceding few pages.
> (It was fun to revisit one of the best jokes in the book: Constant
> Slothrop’s son Variable)
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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