
David Morris fqmorris at gmail.com
Sun May 15 16:21:53 UTC 2022


May 15, 2022 • 8:50am ET

Western advocates of appeasement need a crash course in Putinology

“Neither liberals nor diehard realists truly understand Vladimir Putin.
They fail to recognize that he is an authoritarian kleptocrat who does not
care about Russia’s national interest and is focused instead on his power
and wealth. He hides this self-interest behind a façade of revisionist
Russian nationalism that helps secure popular support for his criminal

“One key problem when dealing with Putin is the Western fear of escalation.
[•••]  Western fears of “provoking Putin” are particularly unhelpful.  It
is difficult to see any logic in these concerns. Putin has started an
unprovoked and unjustified war, but it is the West that must not provoke
him? Such thinking is essentially a call to allow a Russian victory and
accept Ukrainian defeat. Instead, the word “provocation” should be retired
from the Western discussion about Putin.”

“A similarly gentlemanly idea is the notion that the West must allow Putin
to save face. Really? Putin is no gentleman. He wages wars of aggression
and ruthlessly orders the destruction of entire cities. The West cannot
compromise over crimes against humanity on this scale. On the contrary,
Putin must be defeated. The only language he understands is the language of
overwhelming strength.”

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