János Széky
miksaapja at gmail.com
Sun May 15 18:39:21 UTC 2022
My friends Bálint Magyar & Bálint Madlovics expound this in full detail in
The Anatomy of Post-Communist Regimes.
David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2022. máj. 15., V,
> https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/western-advocates-of-appeasement-need-a-crash-course-in-putinology/
> May 15, 2022 • 8:50am ET
> Western advocates of appeasement need a crash course in Putinology
> “Neither liberals nor diehard realists truly understand Vladimir Putin.
> They fail to recognize that he is an authoritarian kleptocrat who does not
> care about Russia’s national interest and is focused instead on his power
> and wealth. He hides this self-interest behind a façade of revisionist
> Russian nationalism that helps secure popular support for his criminal
> rule.”
> “One key problem when dealing with Putin is the Western fear of escalation.
> [•••] Western fears of “provoking Putin” are particularly unhelpful. It
> is difficult to see any logic in these concerns. Putin has started an
> unprovoked and unjustified war, but it is the West that must not provoke
> him? Such thinking is essentially a call to allow a Russian victory and
> accept Ukrainian defeat. Instead, the word “provocation” should be retired
> from the Western discussion about Putin.”
> “A similarly gentlemanly idea is the notion that the West must allow Putin
> to save face. Really? Putin is no gentleman. He wages wars of aggression
> and ruthlessly orders the destruction of entire cities. The West cannot
> compromise over crimes against humanity on this scale. On the contrary,
> Putin must be defeated. The only language he understands is the language of
> overwhelming strength.”
> --
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