AW: Re: Re: NP but close

Hübschräuber huebschraeuber at
Mon Apr 3 20:34:38 UTC 2023

------- Original Message -------
Dee Kilroy <deadendkid76 at> schrieb am Montag, 3. April 2023 um 17:10:

> It's a knee-slapper you're even bothering to answer.

Simple common courtesy.

> Pynchon grew up in a society that was actively at war with itself, under a government whose agents were infiltrating the social justice movements of the period so as to control, dismantle & destroy them, in a place where a narc named Charlie Manson regularly talked to fed handlers, at a time when the CIA were grooming Jim Jones, after the FBI had bugged Martin Luther King's bedroom, when MK-Ultra had been renting brothels & mindfucking people with LSD in barely-secretive decadance for decades. Pynchon lived and breathed paranoia in a way the generations of This Internet may-- very soon, & sorrowful for not having gotten hip sooner --come to empathize with, because The Op is all around us now, vast & turgid in its boring, tonedeaf insistence of authority, and the rubes are nigh unto infinite.

I know. You think your society is not "actively at war with itself" now?
> One of the faces of That Leviathan is the shitty linkposter.
> Pynchon has fuck all in common with people like you, Hübe. You're a parasite here, pushing disinfo, and I'd like to say j'accuse. You're polluting > the list. You're the problem. You're not here for the topic. You're here for your agenda. Shut the fuck up and go away.

And what agenda might that be?

I suggest that the quote from Discourse magazine I forwarded does not only apply to the "mighty of this earth":

- Disinformation is just a jargon word with a subliminal meaning, thrown out by the mighty of the earth whenever they worry that they are about to lose an argument—something that happens with painful regularity these days. The word means, “Shut up, peasant.” It’s a bullet aimed at killing the conversation. It’s loaded with hostility to reason, evidence, debate and all the stuff that makes our democracy great. -

QED. You have no arguments. Only ad hominem. And no, I won't shut up.

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