June 2023 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Jun 2 06:11:06 UTC 2023
Ending: Fri Jun 30 21:01:04 UTC 2023
Messages: 51
- SLPAD - 73
Michael Bailey
- SLPAD - 74
Michael Bailey
- SLPAD - 75
Michael Bailey
- SLPAD - 75
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon-l Digest, Vol 65, Issue 2
daedalus.fly at gmail.com
- Pynchon-l Digest, Vol 65, Issue 2
Mark Kohut
- Not P but Bob....what a difference a different take makes....
Mark Kohut
- BEg2 tangential flashback - the smell of the 930 Club
Michael Bailey
- I m old enough to remember Joseph praising Taibbi just the other day for his Twitter expose.....
Mark Kohut
- I m old enough to remember Joseph praising Taibbi just the other day for his Twitter expose.....
Joseph Tracy
- High Desert
- High Desert
Michael Bailey
- Catch 22 and the cult of loyalty
Michael Bailey
- article in Forbes.
Mark Kohut
- Not P but Sy
Mark Kohut
- SLPAD - 76 - first occurrence of my fave Pynchon line
Michael Bailey
- SLPAD - 76 - first occurrence of my fave Pynchon line
matthew cissell
- ... "One of the dearest Postwar hopes:that there should be no room for a terrible disease like charisma".--GR
Mark Kohut
- The Damp and the Dry
- Cormac McCarthy, RIP
Erik T. Burns
- Cormac McCarthy, RIP
Mark Kohut
- Cormac McCarthy, RIP
- Cormac McCarthy, RIP
Mark Kohut
- Cormac McCarthy, RIP
Mark Kohut
- Cormac
Mark Kohut
- Cormac McCarthy, RIP
David Morris
- Cormac McCarthy, RIP
Johnny Marr
- Cormac
- Cormac McCarthy, RIP
- Cormac McCarthy, RIP
Mark Kohut
- Cormac McCarthy, RIP
Joseph Tracy
- Never ever happened to Moby Dick...
Mark Kohut
- Cormac McCarthy, RIP
David Morris
- Fwd: a great editor. Paywall begone.
Mark Kohut
- Not P but a DFW footnote
Mike Jing
- Not P but DFW and cubic-zirconium
Mike Jing
- Cormac M
Joseph Tracy
- Cormac M
- Cormac M
Joseph Tracy
- Assange for the Plist record: silence in the face of a dictatorship of the deepstate
Joseph Tracy
- Assange for the Plist record: silence in the face of a dictatorship of the deepstate
- Assange for the Plist record: silence in the face of a dictatorship of the deepstate
Joseph Tracy
- Assange for the Plist record: silence in the face of a dictatorship of the deepstate
- Not P: Seymour [Hirsch] sees so wrong.
Mark Kohut
- The Intercept might be refuting Hersh...does strongly on one key stupidity of Hersh's
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 8.17.04 AM
- The Intercept might be refuting Hersh...does strongly on one key stupidity of Hersh's
Mark Kohut
- Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 8.17.04 AM
Mark Thibodeau
- Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 8.17.04 AM
- Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 8.17.04 AM
Charles Albert
- AW: Re: Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 8.17.04 AM
Last message date:
Fri Jun 30 21:01:04 UTC 2023
Archived on: Fri Jun 30 21:10:55 UTC 2023
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).