GRAYZONE, that black rag: Can't cut & paste

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Sat Mar 18 01:42:44 UTC 2023

When Kohut  or Morris treat me with some respect I will do likewise. But I never use honorifics. I don’t remember being called Mr. Tracy by anyone on the list, so don’t hold your breath, Martin. 

There are many journalists and writers like those of media outlets like Consortium News, the Grayzone, Scheerpost, Resistance Radio, the Scott Horton Show, Ray McGovern’s podcast,  along with individual writers like  Jeffrey Sachs, Oliver Stone, Julian Assange, Ed Snowden, Scott Ritter, Seymour Hersch, Jeff Gerth, Doug McGregor, or Matt Taibbi  who question the US government via actual research and facts and very persuasive logic. Calling these regularly published writers and former insiders "Putin’s mouthpiece" is a truly lame and baseless accusation, Joe McCarthy would be proud.  How about truth-tellers who got it right on several issues while Kohut and Morris, whose mail I rarely open, got it dead wrong. How about people who have risked their lives to tell the truth. Did a single one of you read the article or have a challenge for any fact reported by the Grayzone writers or Consortium News.
  There were 2 incidents of mass killing in the Maidan Coup involving about 110 people murdered. These crimes were never investigated to this day. The Canadian writer, academic, Ivan Katchanovski,  did a deep dive into the question and his thoroughly documented report initially received with enthusiasm, and supported by the likes of Jeffrey Sachs went unpublished with no challenge to his research.  All you can think to do is call names at a publisher. Pathetic. 

> On Mar 15, 2023, at 3:01 AM, Martin Dietze <mdietze at> wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Mar 2023 at 05:58, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at <mailto:brook7 at>> wrote:
> Seems like Kohut uses artificial intelligence on a regular basis. 
> "Mr. Kohut" would be more appropriate. Does this rudeness happen to have any connection to the "alternative media" you seem to consume on a regular basis?
> Cheers,
> Martin (by the way I'm fine with you addressing me as "Martin"; if you don't like this, "Dr. Dietze" will do)
> -- 
> Dr. Martin Dietze
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> 1. Vorsitzender - Deutsch-Ukrainischer Kulturverein e.V.
> Голова - Німецько-Українське Товариство Культури
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