SLPAD - 62 - in the quad

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Sun May 21 06:53:01 UTC 2023

“God,” Levine said, [once again invoking deity, and alluding to the legal
description of such a disaster as an “Act of God”] “what hit this place.”
[again forgoing the interrogative]

            “There’s also newspapermen, Life photographers and probably a
couple of newsreels around too,” Rizzo [taking on, by answering, the ad hoc
role of non-com avatar of God?] said. “This is a disaster area now.

Picnic, using what seems to me like a Curly Stooge line, but probably had
other sources in the ‘50s, goes, “Man, look at the quail.”

“Like Bourbon St. on payday night,” Rizzo said.

            “Don’t remind me,” Levine said. Then as an afterthought,
“Still, here, N’Orleans, what the hell.”

He was going to New Orleans on his leave, in search of recreational sex,
and the thought crosses his mind that college girls might actually provide
a similar option -

Which, just to tangle with untangling this for a moment: although he spoke
to the lieutenant about a “broad in N’Orleans, she’s waiting for me,” one
wonders if there was a specific individual, or more of a cluster of
potential vendors.

Does it take a disaster area for disaffected young men to seek recreational
sex among the pool of young, adventurous, educated civilian women rather
than going commercial?

Probably that reluctance is usually sourced not from the soldiers, but from
the other side - Baxter’s earlier mention of civilian hostility comes to
“Dogs and Army Stay off the Grass….”

Still, a little lightbulb, or flashbulb (remember those?) lights up for
Levine, though he’s diverted by the sight of “lanky, red headed” fellow
131st Signal Battalion PFC Douglas sitting & leaning against a front wheel
of a battered deuce-and-a-half, gives him a shout, & goes over to talk to


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