SLPAD - 122 - “Low-Lands” - 33

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Mon Nov 6 05:31:10 UTC 2023

Why does Flange tell that particular story? Pig’s right - it had nothing to
do with the sea, but more about misguided efforts at humor when alcohol and
single-sex living arrangements combine. Imho.

Practical jokes in fraternities…Flange and two buddies stole a cadaver and
placed it in the sleeping fraternity president’s bed alongside him.
This circumstance inspired the president, when he woke up, to improvise by
tying 3 neckties (must’ve been Trump-length neckties) around the body and
hanging it out the window.

Nice bunch of guys? Apparently they were all in on it - one wonders how
unpopular the president was. “Everyone able to walk” the next morning
proceeded to the president’s room and were mystified, after he let them in,
to find no body in evidence. A shriek from outside from a co-ed who’d
fainted at the sight led them to the spectacle.

What would Geronimo make of it?
Could he relate it to Flange’s mother?

A massive memento mori?

 an all-too-possible nightmare scenario - the fraternity president would be
so relieved when he found out it was a cadaver; having play-acted the type
of tragedy their rakehell ways were skirting, would it become a catharsis
they would laugh about at reunions?

Almost certain consequences after the co-ed fainted in the street, but
apparently papered over with “boys will be boys, let’s not ruin his bright
future” since he later went into the Navy as an officer, and so forth.

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