Enemies of injustice
WE DO NOT HAVE RIGHT TO LOSE the HOPE"Here we are! . . . we are
the men
of always, the tenacious rebels
enemies of injustice "
Ricardo Flores Magon, in
Regeneration 31 of January of 1914
The Cndigena onsejoI Pto opular of Orlores
icardoF Magon" CIPO-RFM we are
one organizacion indigenous, social, democratica, formed by many towns.
Our force this in the capacity to support to us mutually.
We are independent of all the Politicall, legal or secret parties
and of the organizations and institutions of the government.
The CIPO-RFM is the house of poor people that we are dispuestas/os to speak together, to work
together, to grow together and to prevail together in the cause of the
freedom, justice and the happiness. We joined ourselves to
acompanar and to animate to us to us in the fulfillment of having and
the responsibility that are to do today, at this moment and with which
we have, the world of the manana.
The that we are in the CIPO-RFM we participated voluntarily and in vain, without nobody
forces to us and, although great mayoria we do not know to read nor to
write, we have two hands and a heart to fight.
We are people who we got tired, that we slept, that we mistook,
that we loved, that we hated, that we commit errors, that we are made
of meat and bone: with defects and virtues, that we are not
perfect and that we have different experiences, Traditions of struggle
and organizativas, but we create in the free
association and coexistence of the towns, Still like in the importance
that it has to be different to complete to us.
In the CIPO-RFM we are muchachas/os, ninas/os and
abuelitas/os: farmers, obreras/os, bands, students,
artists, anarcho- punk.s, comuneras/os, teachers, healers, etc.,
that without age distinction sex, religious belief, educative level,
office, occupationion, sexual preference, color of skin or language, we
joined what each one has: experience, capacity, will on watch,
desire and effort to find ways that allow to finish our suffering us
and help to construct worlds where go to us well to All The, Chatinas/os, Triquis, Chinantecas/os,
Mazatecas/os, Mixes, Mixtecas/os, Tacuates, Zapotecas/os, Negras/os
and Mestizas/os
that we joined ourselves in the
CIPO-RFM, we are convinced that speaking together, working together
and fighting together we can obtain but and soon better what we want.
We were united without concerning the age, sex, religious
belief, studies, office, occupationion, sexual taste, color of skin or
language, to accompany and to animate to us to us in the construction
of a place where it is not necessary to extinguish to nobody so that
all the colors shine.
In the CIPO-RFM we are wanted like brothers in all the aspects,
nonsingle in organizacion, and indeed give to a respectful treatment
to our differences of all type, understanding that in different this
the wealth from organizacion libertaria.
"While they told dolares I
I have spent the time counting
stars. I queria to do
man of each human animal,
practicos they but have done
animal of each man, and has itself
fact they themselves shepherds of
I slice. Nevertheless I prefer to be
a sonador that a man I practice ".
Ricardo Flores Magon, epistolario
revolutionary and intimo. October 30 of 1920.
We chose the name of Ricardo Flores Magon (R.F.M.)
because she was indigenous and, although born in Oaxaca, its
heart, thought and practices were internacionalist. But also
- Its example demonstrates to us that the existence of human
beings is possible who sound, and make of its life a resistance form.
It jeopardizes to us to being totally human, keeping an attitude
from honesty, delivery to the cause of the freedom, the brotherhood
and the mutual support.
- Truth like principles, identity, cohesioninterna, and
- To follow its way summons to us to be loyal with one same
one, with those who create in us and with whom they have been given to
the fight without but interest that to obtain the happiness for all, a
world where the equality is not utopia and the suenos fantasia.
- To assume its thought and practices is to take the risks
and difficulties by which I journey, conscious that at the end of the
single way it waits for our fulfilled hope to us, or perhaps nor she.
- To take its principles represents to fight without looking
for material wealth or personal benefit some, fighting to exile the
egoismo, caudillismo, the lie and to live without
aspiring to the power nor to impose us to anybody,
taking as it bases for our daily behavior the mutual support,
solidarity (tequio, gueza/gozona), the direct action, autonomy and
autogestion, like the magonista way for the liberation.
- Also we were called Magonistas because the Magonismo is
for us the form in which the indigenous we understand the libertaria
Between The Magonistas heads, nor leaders do not exist, but
who can have they are responsible, comisionadas/os by ample consensus
or mayoria, to take care of a work area, to fulfill some commission or
to take care of certain problem. With All nosotras/os they
command and All obey, reason why the activities are been from the
agreement, of there that single is invited to fulfill the tasks and the
triumphs or failures are of All
The Magonistas never we left our brothers, nor to the
society; we are always participating in everything what it
affects our community, putting the example of work, honesty, honesty
and gives to the fight.
To be Magonistas and of the CIPO-RFM is a challenge, an honor, a responsibility and therefore,
we must act thinking about solutions, trying new forms of coexistence
with joy and optimism, because both are another form to resist.
But the Magonismo is not reduced to the thought of Ricardo Magon
Flowers, but that includes the one of our historica inheritance as
indigenous towns and the contributions of muchas/os men and women of
Mexico who have given something by the fight of olvidadas/os The of
the Earth.
Vicarious lioness, Praxedis G. Guerrero, Ruined Creek, etc., asi
like of many other towns and people of the world. With elThe
we fought all the days, with elThe we won and we lose, with
elThe we constructed our suenos, with elThe we are going to
demonstrate that they do not survive The but strong but The
better organized. With lThe, common women and men we are
going to prevail.
"We must give earth to the people in the course of
the revolution; that way not enganara Since to the poor men.
There is no a single government who can benefit to the people
against the interests from burguesia "
Ricardo Flores Magon, in revolutionary
epistolario and intimo, 13 of June of 1908.
In the HerelThe CIPO-RFM they have a place All that esten
arranged to put their capacities, abilities and everything what it is
born of its heart for the indigenous cause Magonista and assumes the
fight by:
- Promote that the towns and trabajadores/as organize
themselves of libertaria way, although they do not make it with the CIPO-RFM.
- To spread, to promote to enable and to defend the human
rights organizadamente: social, economicos, Politicall and
cultural of the people in general and the one of indigenous The, the
minusvalidas/os women, The, The ninas/os and migrantes The in
- To advise, to support and to accompany to the communities,
organizations and individuals, indigenous, that fighting by the
reconstruction and association frees of the towns ask for our support.
- To impel the integral development of our towns, indigenous
or no, with productive projects, of commercialization, industrialists,
of export and sustentables: the premises, regional and state,
taking care of, rescuing and conserving the ecosystems of our
- To revalue cosmovision and forms of coexistence,
organizacion, work, production, science, and all the cultural
expressions of our communities.
- To make investigation, documentation analysis and
diffusion of the movements and local, regional, state, national and
international fights social, that by their importance, importance,
impact, innovations or experiences, support the organizational process
of the towns and elevate their taking of conscience.
- To defend, to promote and to spread to the care of the
ecosystems and natural resources.
- By means of the Direct Action to construct communitarian
economicas alternatives that manage to become contrapoderes.
- To stop the militarization, repression and all form of
authoritarianism, to now make and with which we have, the society of
the manana, where autogestion, autoorganizacion, and the mutual
support is the base.
"to live for being free or to die
in order to stop being enslaved "
Praxedis G. Guerrero, in
Red Points, 1906.
The CIPO-RFM we are the result
of a long organizational process and fights in communities and
organizations who go back to the years 80's, where each one of us I
participate with diverse aspirations, in different times and forms
against the same enemy.
This to act I take to us to know us, to treat, to discuss and
to try coordinated activities to us. Still was as we joined many
towns and organizations CODECI, CODEP, FIOB, OIDHO and UCIZONI to form
a estrategica alliance and the ideal to form, with time, single
The CIPO-RFM born the first like alliance of organizations
manana of the 18 of November of 1997, but to the passage of the
years, the ideas, histories and you practice of each one of the
organizations; the repression that I am called on to us to
face, the conditions of the national and state indigenous movement, the
maturity and proposals of our towns, the development, I interest,
problems and project of each one of the organizations and towns
founders of the CIPO-RFM caused that in 1998 FIOB and UCIZONI retired,
in 1999 CODECI, in the middle of 2001, first CODEP and Since OIDHO.
With the exit of these you complete organizations the
government penso that the project of the CIPO-RFM was eliminated, but
the communities that we took the Magonista way, we
decided to no longer maintain the project of the CIPO-RFM like one
organizacion of communities and like alliance of
As so we pronounced the 18 of November of the 2001
demonstrating, to those who tried to destroy to the CIPO-RFM, that
habian failed. Like always, those that today we are the
CIPO-RFM we respected the organizations that a day was part of the
CIPO-RFM and for us they continue being sisters and you never intrigue
them, the calumnies or the resentment hara nest in our heart.
The integral present of the CIPO-RFM we walked by the world
with the full face of pride, summoning to fight unidas/os, informing
that to the house of The Magonistas can arrive the women and the
men from good will of all parts, that esten arranged to put their sand
granite in the fight to construct a place where:
- The equality, the brotherhood and justice are not utopia
and therefore, our fight is not to demand food, bread, house,
education, justice, democracy, etc., but that the communities and the
people organize themselves to platicar their problems and learn to
solve them with their effort and ideas.
- To sound, to reir, to have illusions and fantasias are
possible and to work the Earth, to speak our language, to embosom with
love, etc., are not considered acts of rebeldia nor are paid with
carcel, death, disappearance or tortures.
- To be different is not obstaculo for the unit because we
know that: single the union of the colors that fight can make
the rainbow possible of the freedom.
- The value and respect to the men and women are as common
as the light or the air and the suffering that suffered our parents
and abueThe are what it never must return to repeat itself.
- They do not exist poor nor rich, exploded and operating,
they do not exist tyrannous of any type, the forms to contrapoder
do not esten deposited in the positions or the individuals, but in
organizacion and the taking in agreements and collective decisions.
That is to say, a world of men and free women.
ARMADAS/OS... of IMAGINATION "to fight by the freedom they do not make lack
hatreds; without hatreds they open tuneles, without hatred put
the docks to the rios, without hatred is hurt to the Earth to seed the
grain, without hatred it can be annihilated to the despotismos and can
be arrived at the action but it does violence to when it is necessary
for the human emancipation. The passivity and mansedumbre do
not imply kindness, as rebeldia does not imply savagery "
Praxedis G. Guerrero, in red points.
Ever since we were born we conjugated the direct
action with you limit them of the peaceful social fight. We
make use of all the resources legal that the constitution of ours pais
allows, Still as of different forms from manifestation and peaceful
protest, had and by having, adapted with talent and creativity to the
circumstances of each place.
Still we took with animals an office, or do an inn, calenda or
dances rebel or dots with blood. Also manifestations with you
chewed and lights, with ataudes and veladoras or dots with blood.
That way we have obtained the solution of some of our
necessities of health, education, use, ways, house, justice, respect
to the nature and our uses and costumbres.Una guitar, a dance, a verse
become powerful instruments of fight so that the governments release
us to the prisoners. A white flower in the hands of ninas/os
The and The viejitas/os works as powerful shield and avoids the
For that reason, each activity of fight is planned, it decides
and it puts practices respecting the decision to participate or not in
"solidarity is armonia, is cooperation between
the human beings, gravitation for the celestial bodies. que is
the solar light? The solidarity of the seven colors of the
rainbow "
Ricardo Flores Magon, in letter to Gus Teltsh,
Leavenworth, May 4 of 1920.
The life in our communities helps to understand us to us in
organizacion and the participation in organizacion makes us
include/understand the necessity to fight unidas/os nonsingle between
indigenous but with all the members of the society.
Mobilizations, encounter, celebrations conferences, factories,
managements and games are activities that we make together and they
allow us to know us better, help to know our agreements us and to find
solution to the discords.
The way to be difficult throughout our existence:
assassinated, tortured, imprisoned, kidnapped etc.,
misfortunes, failures and repression, it takes to us to recognize the
necessity to construct a house for All, with a very great patio,
where the different ones fit and coexist that we are arranged to
combine the individual capacities, disposition to the work, the will
on watch and the fulfillment of responsibilities.
OUR BRUJULA... the future
"the moment has arrived for deciding if there
to continue the poor men under the interested one
direction of the intellectuals and the rich ones, or
if valiantly we took by our account,
the study of our problems, and
we trusted to our own forces
defense of our interests. . let us
or I slice dragable or phalange of beings
you allow, verguenza or the glory "
Ricardo Flores Magon in regeneration,
October 15 of 1910.
In the CIPO-RFM we are convinced that no dictatorship is
accepted by the towns and the individuals. The freedom is the
aspirations but rooted in the humanity. For that reason The
Magonistas we have seted out that in all our structure, operation and
practices expresses that feeling.
We have spaces to decide and commissioners collectively to
cause that the agreements are fulfilled. First they have the
character of Assembly and the seconds of commissions or area, but in
both cases it is worked like advice.
The integral is named in assembly and lasts in their
commission 1 year. They can at any moment be changed if the
members decide to it the assembly.
The integral of the work areas that form the
Organizing Meeting is proposed by the Council of the Councils the
General Assembly of Members, that chooses. The named ones last
in their position 3 years, but in I complete single of acompanantes.
They can at any moment be changed if it becomes necessary.
Segun the necessities of each area are integrated certain I
number of companeras/os.
That we do
With the participation of All in the
CIPO-RFM we take care of the problematica:
- AGRARIAN: Acompanando, until the agrarian solution,
several conflicts: Earth possession, you limit of territory,
communal land reclamation ejidos and dowry of.
- ECOLOGIA: taken care of and preservation of forests
and rios. Sweepings reforestation and treatment.
- PROJECTS: communitarian transport, Elaboration of
artesanias of textile, palm and ceramica. Production of honey,
cafe, organicas flowers and vegetables. Popular dining rooms.
- COMMUNICATION: Communal radio, production of videos,
pamphlets electronicos Chicole edition, bulletins and fotografia.
- CULTURE: investigation, diffusion, promotion and
revaloracion of our languages, cosmovision, dance, song, oral
tradition: legend, story, poesia and gramatica, Still like the
preservation of our monuments and sacred sites.
- WOMEN: attendance and support for studies, defense
of its rights, reproductive health, qualification for productive
projects of traspatio and artesanias.
- HUMAN RIGHTS: defending qualification, asesoria,
diffusion and promotion: of women, ninos indigenous,
discapacitados and emigrants.
logistics facility of water, light, ways, centers of supply, schools,
clinicas, etc. Support for the house, feeding, savings banks,
defending managers of human rights, communitarian authorities and
social and productive organizations.
- JURIDICO: defensoria and liberation of prisoners
asesoria to Commissariats and workers of the field and the city.
- Youth occupational, circulos factories
of study, cinema club, indigenous military preparatory school.
"the freedom is not the prerogative to choose a master,
it is the impossibility of the master "
Praxedis G. Guerrero, in red points.
In one of the state of the south of Mexico called Oaxaca,
approximately at 600 km of the DF and before you arrive at Chiapas.
Our main social base this in the indigenous communities of the
towns Mixtecos, Zapotecos, Triquis, Chatinos, Chinantecos and to a
lesser extent in communities of other Indian towns and as soon as we
are incursionando in the Geograficas cities we included the regions
and municipalities that we detailed.
State: Oaxaca
Surface (Km): 95,364
Num /municipios: 570
Total population: 3,228,895
Rural population: 1,824,408
Urban population: 1,404,487
indigenous population: 1,592,020
biodiversity that in our state reaches, According to numbers
of the WWF, 12 % worldwide.
"the unico remedy to the evils of
town this in the revolution, but one
revolution is not improvised. It is work
of patience and continuous propaganda
revolutionary. . "
Ricardo Flores Magon, in epistolario
Revolutionary and intimo, 8 of October 1905.
Our sweat we put it to impel organizacion of the communities,
if these are organized with us who good, but if no, we supported to
them to organize ourselves and we continued seeing like hermanas/os.
But we know very clearly that many communities and people use
the organizations, Still as many organizations take advantage of the
communities, for that reason to avoid that she passes that to us, to
be part of the CIPO-RFM they must make the following steps:
1) general platica: Here occurs to know that it is the
CIPO-RFM, like Integra, so that it serves and as we worked and as they
are the benefits and risks of being magonista of the CIPO-RFM.
2) to 1er. Factory: the related thing to the
necessity is seen to organize to us.
3) 2.. Factory: the different ways are analyzed
that there are to fight and greater attention is put in because we
must create one organizacion libertaria.
4) er. Factory the community or the organized group
does I diagnose of their community, the problems and the solutions.
5) 4.. Factory. The Council of Base constitutes
itself, the plan of work is elaborated of and the fight commitment
settles down.
In all the process use becomes of the song, the drawings,
Images, the musica, the exercises, games, etc., to make the
factories active and the experience of the assistants can be
Emilio Carranza No. 210. Santa Lucia del Camino,
Oaxaca, Oax. Mexico.
C.P. 71228
I telephone and fax: + (951) 51-78183 and
Electronicos post office:
In order to receive donationss the account is
BANAMEX: 0120 7745177
To name of the CIPO-RFM
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