Now we know that the rich ones, have become rich
seizing of earth, cheap or almost enslaved, capital manual labor, -
money, government been and institutions. After controlling the
government they make the laws to his benefit, the laws of the
commerce. And in the present times they do it creating
multinational companies.
So that their companies work they have organized globalizacion
of economy that it means to the liberation of capitals and commercial
product circulation. That is, it is the movement of the
government and the rich ones so that their merchandise go everywhere:
you make them of arms, I exercise, policias, the military, and
until now paramilitary the this it is known anywhere in the world like
neoliberalism, where the enemies of the towns are the great
governments and the rich ones who have the control of our thought and
want to sell everything.
At the moment there are 8 individuals, representatives of his
paises, that are deciding by 6 billion people. They decide who
are terrorist, who is good or bad, who is delinquent and that things
agree to us. These people are the mere delinquents so that they
wage the war and they cause the poverty. A war against the
organized and not organized workers, against Youth men and women,
against the ninos and ninas to which they finish physical and morally by
means of the destruction, drugs, the cynicism and the moral and fisico
The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and other
organisms take but of 20 years impoverishing to our town leaving the
wealth in a few hands, robbing our natural resources, returning
property (privatization) from the companies the publicos goods of the
nation and services, causing that we lose social rights like the
education and health, increasing the migration and the violation of
human rights; being left of knees soberania national before
international the financial agencies, everything in benefit of the
great international capitals together with the powerful capitals but
of the world.
The great capital us chinga
The very rich ones of the world have many ways to
dominate themselves us. Times arms, pumps, sold~ behave
shamelessly and humiliate to the towns by means of the military war (
commercial war (high prices to products, prohibition to
sell some things, control of the markets), other times are but
discreet and make elections.
In paises like France, Sweden, Denmark, Espana, etc., with
elections are imposing governments (right) that they despise to
people of color, to Indians, that feels superior, that not they want
to emigrants, and when he goes to us well, to governments that says
are democraticos but that they make the same Politicall of hunger,
poverty, repression and robbery that order great the rich ones of the
world, Still has happened with Chile, Mexico, England, Germany and
others paises that todavia we do not know like Brazil. This way
calls "alternancia in the power" and it has worked to them because
people arrive at the government who have legitimacy and of that way he
is but facil to impose the economicas measures of the World Bank and
the International Monetary Fund. That is to say, for us the
"alternancia" is the arrival of neon liberalism with other people, who
to name of the democracy explode to us and rob for paises rich.
Also it is used the television, periodic, the radio, the cinema,
the announcements, so that we think that they are the best ones.
They pass peliculas to us where the United States saves to the
world, the soldiers are good and the bad Indians, where all the
gringos live happy so that we want to be like them. They say in
his peliculas to us, the radio, the television that we must eat, as to
dress and they are causing that we forget to eat tortilla to eat
sweepings of sabritas, no longer we took water from tejate,
chilacayote, horchata, charity fair, to take cocaine tail. The
worse thing is than they say to us that we must seed improved seeds
that are not improved because nomas gives a harvest and in the other
no longer it serves. They say us that we must use quimico
fertilizer to have but harvests, but that dana the Earth and to all
those that eat produced and also arrives a little while that the
Earth no longer produces. That is what they want paises rich, so
that we depend on them in the feeding and can we sell crazy cows,
contaminated and transgenicos foods.
Great rich that is the masters of the world control to their
taste Health, the house, the education, the transport, the
information-communication means, the social, cultural institutions,
the food production and distribution, the positioning and
descolocacion of the work. They sell sport competitions to us
like the Olympic Games or world-wide of fut the bowl, arms stops
we killed by any thing and at the same time they make
think that we killed ourselves between we ourself.
The war always serves the rich ones, and it always kills
the poor men.
The powerful ones of the world, organized like
multinational financial companies, think that the natural planet and
all resources are for single them. They want to be like Gods, to
clear the life and to move the world already the people to their
pleasure. For that they have organized and waged wars that
before as now they are for maintaining dominacion of the rich ones to
paises poor, to rob its natural wealth to them, like this happening
with Iraq, where the U.S.A. the innocent people wage the war to him to
rob his to him I refuel without concerning nothing to him who kill.
This and other wars like in Chechenia, the Ivory Coast,
Palestine, Colombia, etc., fill of blood the world by you order of
multinational companies like the cocaine tail; although today
the war of the United States also wants to show its great military
power so that the towns of the world we are scared to him and we live
on knees before because it demonstrates that the organisms for La Paz,
Organizacion of the United Nations, the UN, do not serve to stop it.
The War against Iraq is the principle of a war of all against
all in which but early that late is going to react the imperial
cultures of Europe, Russia, China, India. For that reason
deteneda is a moral obligation minima of all citizen or governor.
In Mexico like this the thing
Both years of the government of Fox have seen as
Mexico depends every time but d~
The United States (imperialism) and the imposition of
this Politicall causes that pobreza(y inequality is but great:
there are very rich and very poor others. For that reason
its government in alliance with all the parties nego to the indigenous
towns the constitutional recognition of our rights and increase the
paramilitary military and in the communities of Chiapas, Guerrero and
Oaxaca mainly.
Now he threatens himself privatizing (to sell to very cheap
price) the electrica industry, I refuel, gas yagua; they want to
change the laws of the work to clear rights to the workers, like the
medico and the retirement, and with that the private investors have
but gain; The time approaches that the Deal of Libre Comercio
(TLC) will open but and with that danara the Mexican field, while the
budget I publish federal continues supporting the bankers and paying
the external debt instead of helping the education it publishes, the
health, the field, the house, the work, etc.
To return our pain anger to change what it surrounds to us
supposes to surpass feelings of culpability, submission, resignacion,
of conformismo, passivity, resentment, hatred and fatality. To
change forces to us to recover the anger and the wrath.
In order to fortify the wrath and the anger we must know social
the movements present, heroes and martires present, victimas anonimas,
hair nets, their "flags" of fight, to new herejes and atheists of the
money, of the individualismo and the consumption, etc., we have to
recover its testimonies, their proessays, their arguments, but mainly
the value, anger and the wrath that they have.
The anger must we helped to remember our errors passed for not
repeated, not to return to change of master, not to be so cruel, not
to hope to that the contradictions are become serious or comes the
collective unit, (of class, the worker-proletarians, the conscience,
of the revolutionary party, the milenarista Alternative or the
alternative lucidity from isolated organizations of the reality),
seeing with it suffer and die to many.
The anger and the wrath must take to us to recover the secrecy
as it forms of not improvising the revolution, the change. The
secrecy not to leave outside the action and rebeldia, forces that able
to lock up to the same one. The secrecy with historica memory,
that recovers forgetfulnesses, offenses and impunity. The
secrecy like patience and intelligence to construct worlds.
The wrath and the anger must we give the passion sufficient not
to close the doors to the newness and creativity. We must try
all type of forms of protest against the enemy, where the word is used
but that the arms, human and nonhuman blood to write the proessays, the
smoke of Chile, tinkles human and of animals for removed from its
cofashions offices and face the problems that have created;
doing strikes of consumption, constructing experiences and
opportunities different from the deprived property, the representative
democracy, the form to produce and to distribute the goods and
The anger and the wrath are the force that bursts in and
interrupts the injustice. The anger and the wrath make the
revolutions, for that reason they do not want that we feel anger and
indignation. For that reason they kill and they control the
passion voluntarily. For that reason they sell false
congratulations to us that it induces sleep the anger and the wrath,
because the anger and the wrath are feelings that maintain
inconformes, that they maintain the motivation to us necessary, that
that is not for accumulating to be able or magnificent, but the one
that it makes feel and knowledge that we are for changing this world
that does not go well, the one that interrupts the humiliations, the
offenses and the indignity. We are lost if we do not understand
the wraths and angers - that-not-losodios of the different towns.
We are lost if we left the virus of the competition and the
egoismo clears the wrath and the anger to us, because when the wrath,
the anguish and the desperation become but frequent, when single or in
compania with others (to those who it has been caused to them I equal
worse situation) we refuse to go by faciles and immoral solutions,
when we get to include/understand that he is but worthy to die
fighting that to starve we will be beginning to produce and to
reproduce worthy life for all.
Single then we will be doing like community and like brothers
but the great victory that we can do to him to the powerful ones,
because to them angers to them that we are arranged to give the life
by demas, by the children, the family, the brothers, by others, that
is the best defeat than we can give the rich ones.
Who says that all this lost one?
Until today the masters of the world have obtained we put
in the individualismo and the competition, he confuses and he
dominates to us causing that we look for or we follow "the best one",
"to 10 better" and in many cases that we face between brothers.
They try that we go of "beaux", convenencieros and sectarians by
the world. For that reason they have filled to us of two
thoughts that induce sleep: the ningunismo and the pragmatismo.
First it says that nothing of 10 that happens matters to them,
does not interest anything to them but that their particular life,
speaks words like these: "it is worth mother to me who wins or
loses", "she gives me equal", "she does not matter to me", "she does
not interest to me". Second it express that something has to win
or to receive, that everything is business, "whatever I am going to
win if I do that", "that benefit I obtain", that is to say, for them
10 important is to win, to win, do not realize that to also win is to
lose, because dignity when destroying is lost the planet, for example.
In this panorama the resistance efforts Continuing dispersed and
dispersed. Many shared in common groups and social cooperators,
organizations, nongovernmental organizations and demas, have empenada
his autonomy by rHereticos supports and financings, others, without
reach of sights, continue fighting among them or when much giving to
aspirins to the deep pain and suffering of the town, while the
traditional parties continue cooperating with the governments in turn,
doing but "human" the operation.
Whatsoever this, to general level and of increasing way, is
developed diverse forms of resistance and mobilization against great
the rich duenos of the world. Until in paises rich we see
rebeldia, everything because European and foreign they are feeling
that every day have but problems to go to the school and to find use.
The transport and the house this but expensive one, Health
no longer is gratuitous. That is to say, so that they follow
alive and enjoying good life this costing to them but. They
emphasize the advance of the global movement of resistance in Davos,
Seattle, the Prague, Genova, Gotemburg, etc., and particularly in
Latinoamerica Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela and Colombia.
In all there is an expression of the social displeasure and the
force of the sectors opposed to the dominant model. Because we
must need, all those that somehow we are antiglobalizacion we have
proposed that the masters of the world turn merchandise everything
what he moves and this quiet one in the world; it is to say we
tried to prevent that the world is the store of the G8 or a branch
In ours country the zapatista rise, the fight of the
unions: electricians, teachers, medicos; student strike in
the UNAM, the defense of the Earth in Atenco, the resistance and
construction of autonomy in our indigenous communities, the ingenious
forms of fight and creative employees by ours organizacion CIPO-RFM,
the different efforts from coordination and fights unitary, symbolize
the popular resistance of the people of Mexico.
From the alternative experiences that we commented we recognize
that there is no an alternative but, that must be woven like telarana
to catch and to destroy the body and espiritu of the neoliberalism,
their institutional structures, its ways to think and to act.
Networks that avoid remaining or to leave the fights single,
that do not present/display magicas solutions or express that
everything has a single cause and therefore single a way is true and a
single way to organize bond. It is then tried to be ftenando the
exclusivisms, the foquismos, the sectarianisms, etc. that give
examples, answers, alternatives that quiza are worth for the
individual and I specify but which they kill solidarity and
ftaternidad indispensable for the popular unit.
Our thought is that we must destroy indoctrinations and
dogmatismos of any color, I make level jerarquia that annul the
diverse thing, multiple, the different thing, that they cancel the
process to go to us doing.
We fought to win, to lose or as it is left the thing?
To criticize, to inconformar themselves and to organize
themselves are not enough so that a group or town makes the change of
articles of incorporation. Aside from valentia, of dignity,
congruentes means, resources, ideas are required, social and
eticamente been worth.
The challenge must be to avoid to impose truths and to construct
in its place the happiness and the collective well-being and not to
return to repeat the supposition error that everything must be passed
through the instrumental reason and to leave of side the feelings,
desires and the attitudes. It is not to forget that the planet
is the house of all and that nobody, really anybody, he is owner of
something, and that we must to maintain I balance between the action
of the towns to survive and the capacity of the nature to reproduce.
Learn to read the reality, to learn to decipher this world of
the rich ones, but now trying to find and to discover the
cuarteaduras, the contradictions, the things that have not become but
can make, because we do not have to forget that our enemies have many
fissures and spaces that they do not even control
Our fight is not by the power. To change a power
on the other hand. It is by the Politicall of the communal
property, the communitarian life, justice. She is Politicall
against impunity, the injustices, the death. This Politicall must
touch to the structures that maintain the power.
We must look for the way to enftentar to the power with
something but that its same arms and means, and in its same land.
To make use of the imagination to do in the concrete place, in
the point where but it hurts to him to powerful the world of all, of
each town and region of ours pais, in our house: the Earth.
By consensus in the construction of popular and social
instruments to fight against the neoliberalism. There is urgency
of we jeopardize to promote and to channel the union of organizations,
the creation of vinculos, the construction of networks of work,
solidarity and mutual support. One organizacion of
organizations, an actual network of networks already distance that
thinks about the great acts of masses, obeys and respects the common
thought. That he does not make Politicall electoral, that leaves
the towns, the workers and the citizens to decide to that started off
they support, or so that started off they vote, or if they do not
vote. One organizacion where instead of we fought by hegemonizar
it or directing it, we distribute the work, one needs in that one of
us - like organizacion is committed each or person and Since to
fulfill the offered thing.
To think about organizacion of networks of the existing
organizations or and of other new ones who are created by sectors or
regions, in the federal organizations, articulated municipalities,
towns and localities united between if, and in the local and regional
organizations who also become national organizations from towns.
That they organize themselves to fight by the premises and the
world-wide thing, that when wanting La Paz also want a incluyente
democracy, by the national defense of the wealth and companies, by the
rights of the Indian and nonIndian towns, by the rights of the workers
and the citizens, by all and they themselves also.
The previous thing forces to us to promote a common National
Agenda that it allows to try, solidarity and coordination in the
action where it is considered at least:
The Defense of the Soberania
* - A new world order based on justice, La
Paz, the dignity, the democracy, the tolerance, the diversity and the
* - The brake to the military expansion and the
imperialistic war
* - Soberania and nourishing self-sufficiency
* - The cancellation of the external debt and
* - To stop the energeticos privatizations of the
electricity, resources, the education and the social security.
* - The defense of the national goods and publicos
* - The rejection to the commercial agreements like the
ALCA, the TLC and the PPP.
Social and Cultural the Rights Economicos, Politicall,
* - Rejection to the labor reform that cuts
the rights of the workers;
total exercise of the individual and collective rights:
cultural, racial, sexual, generational diversity, etc.
* - Federal budget that prioritizes the social cost:
the education and the culture, Health, the feeding, the
house, the work.
* - Access and defense of the social Earth property.
Protection and defense to the rights of the migrantes
Another one economia:
A economico project that allows the entrance of the
workers; reactivate the Mexican field, the internal market, the
pequena and medium company. Take care of the natural
medio.ambiente, resources and protect the biodiversity.
The Democracy
* - New forms of representation and direct
* - Fulfillment in the Agreements of San Andres,
as one of the forms to advance in the recognition of the indigenous
* - The freedom to the Politicall prisoners and of
* - A new institucionalidad that guarantees the
self-government, autonomy of the local colectivities
* - The respect to the fundamental liberties and
the human rights, individual and collective;
* - The demilitarization of the indigenous regions and the
institutions you publish.
* - The democratization of mass media
* - An egalitarian and equitable relation between
man and woman
The members of the CIPO-RFM, as it leaves from one
organizacion it jeopardize with the indigenous and nonindigenous cause, we
are forced to participate in incluyentes processes that they have as
identity axis the fight against the neoliberalism and as expression
form the social fight. To promote, to organize and to attend
regional and state meetings, forums, encounter to generate the
discussion in volume to the Popular Unit and to anywhere articulate
actions of emergency in solidarity with the mobilizations and fights
of the world If we managed to develop all this, without a doubt we
will be contributing in the construction of libertarias organizativas
forms that today are part of our aspirations.
By the reconstruction and it frees association of the
It arrives those that fight
The organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM.
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