So Minneapolis is a weird place. It tries to embrace a lot of culture that the rest of the Midwest is scared of or just doesn't deal well with (gay culture, theater, general artsy types), but even though it's pretty much the most "civilized" city in the Midwest (after Chicago), there is still a lack of late-night entertainment aside from one or two dance clubs downtown that stay open a couple of hours past the normal close time of 1am. For all its supposed cosmopolitan nature, this city has always seemed (to me) to be very concerned about what, when, and where you find entertainment. More of an observation than a complaint...I have actually been going to sleep around midnight or 1am anyway recently, so I'm not sure what I'd do with a later bar close.

Minneapolis is also the first place I ever heard the term "darksider" used; everywhere else, it was goth, industrial-kid, or any number of other phrases. I'm still not sure what exactly darksider means, as it has a separate meaning from goth, industrial, and all that other stuff. Anyway, just something strange that I mention because for whatever reason, these are the people that I mostly hang out with, the scene that I am a part of, I guess. I find that I have more interests in common with Minneapolis' darksiders than any other group I've come into contact with, but if I had to label myself as something I no longer know what it would be. I used to say that I was goth, but that is certainly not the case now (and perhaps never was). I'm not an industrial kid really, so with a metaphorical shrug of the shoulders, I guess I'll go and stand over in the darksider corner. Or something.

I've collected a few links to websites that are either by or about local people, my own thoughts on the spookier club nights around Minneapolis, and some links to general internet resources.