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Uprising of support to the caravan

The organizations of human rights, social and personalities that we subscribed we solicitd is taken care of the situation of human rights that in Oaxaca appears and that this being documented by the Members of the Caravan of Observation of the Rights of the indigenouss Towns that made a route, from the 24 to the 26 of October of the present year, by 3 communities and 2 penitentiaries of Oaxaca.

1. Our organizations have followed with attention the serious situation of violations the human rights worsened in the period of Diodoro Carrasco Altamirano and its prevalence in the period of Jose Murat Casab.
2. We did not let remember the situation of the Loxicha and its wake of executed, disappear, persecuted, harassed, tortured and the even unjustly imprisoned ones; massacre Fria the Water and the guilty manufacture; the serious attacks to the Citizen Council Unihidalguense and the imprisonment of Carlos MANZO and Luis Alberto Marin (at the moment it frees) via manufacture of crimes; the imprisonment of lider union Oliverio Neri with multiple procedural irregularities; the attacks of paramilitary groups to the integral communities of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magon" and the sistematica repression to its representatives; the aggressions to the pacifica manifestation against CODECI and the Citizen Council Unihidalguense the attacks to the defenders of human rights.
3. We must emphasize that the demands of the towns and except their reclamation are not taken care of to finish with impunity that enjoy the authorities municipal San Agustin Loxicha, Hidalgo Union; Guevea de the Local Humboldts, San Miguel Aloapam, Sta. Huatulco Cross, Deputies and civil employees of different levels from government, that have been investigated neither by the Procuraduria de Justicia of the State nor the Local Congress, nor has had recommendation some of the State Commission of Human rights, in spite of the penal denunciations and complaints that have been promoted.
4. Also we insisted on relation with the denunciations of which even paramilitary groups of golpeadores and gunmen and actuan with total impunity, despite the multiple denunciations presented/displayed by the organizations, and that profit to document the Caravan of Observation in its visit to the communities of Hidalgo Union, Santa Maria Yaviche and San Isidro Alopam, particularly the related ones to Stopping Toimil and the CROCUT (Regional Advice Working Urban Farmer and of Tuxtepec).
5. Also, we noticed with preoccupation that the recommendations of the UN and the O.A.S. and the commissions National and State of Human rights practicamente have null results and that both institutions do not esten reinforcing their actions to fight impunity in this state of the republica.
6. In the same way senala that the Federal Government allows that continue this climate of impunity sheltering itself the speech of the competitions and soberania of the State of Oaxaca and of the municipalities that conform it.
7. The disqualifications and calumnies you publish to Sofia Olhovich and Raul Gatica, among others and the facts of persecution and recent intimidation against the participant Coordinators in the Caravan of Observation; they ratify the harassment climate to us that the government of Oaxaca practices.

Considering that:

A) The Mexican State has acquired international commitments for the protection of the human rights and that al to be state commitments, no federal organization or municipality can be removed.
B) the federal government becomes guarantor of the observance of the federal pact.
C) the federal congress and the one of the State of Oaxaca you would deberan Politicalmente to watch, to investigate and to sanction the publicos servants who bear responsibility.
D) cannot be argued that in the communities intergroup or communitarian conflicts occur to define the responsibility of the governments municipal, state and federal in the persecution and sanction of the crimes and, mainly, in guaranteeing that the social weave is not danado and the security is preserved publishes; mainly when the investigations have not been exhausted that senalan to paramilitary groups - endorsed by State authorities of being the people in charge of the repression in the communities.
E) Serious omissions in the justice power of attorney exist that even allows the permanence of paramilitary groups in those places in which bases of mixed operations and constant patrollings of Ejercito exist.
By the previous thing and reaffirming the commitments that the government of Mexico when subscribing the international declaration of defenders of human rights.

We declared:

Our total endorsement and support to the communities of Hidalgo Union, San Isidro Aloapam and Sta. Maria Yaviche, asi like a recognition to the works of the members and the Coordinators of the Caravan of Observation of the Rights of the Indian Towns and by the freedom of the Politicall prisoners and of conscience, to by his decision to denounce the oaxHerena reality and to others to document it and to do publish it

We insisted:

To the Governments Federal, State and Municipal to receive and to take care of the report that the Caravan dara to know the first days of December of 2003 and to establish mechanisms for the resolution of the demands of the communities and organizations who in are senalan; asi like all the recommendations that the UN and the O.A.S. have made in relation with Oaxaca.

To the State Commission of Human rights and the CNDH, they generate effective mechanisms of fight against impunity and emit a report I publish on the state that the recommendations presented/displayed in the report keep from the caravan and to establish the measures you will prevent that they are required.

To Solicitor of Justice of State, so that he makes agile the investigations and the persecution of the crimes that today stay in impunity and in the same way, reviews the files of the social fighters considered by our organizations like Politicall and of conscience and other but persecuted prisoners.

To the judicial Power, it considers in its performances the serious raised judicial irregularities in the report and in its resolutions it weighs the international right of the human rights and puts its empeno in the fulfillment of its obligations to guard the existence of the state of right in Oaxaca.



Agir Ensemble pour them Droits of l'Homme
Collectiu de Solidaritat amb the Rebellio Zapatista (Barcelona)
Rights Human Rights
Federation the International of ACAT (FIACAT).
France Amerique Latine
International-Mexico Franciscans, A.C. Socorro Gonzalez, Estrada Angel, Everardo
Sanchez, Felipe Ortiz and Pilar Doors
Platform of Solidarity with Chiapas, Oaxaca and Guatemala of Madrid
SERPAJ Latin America - CLA
Solidarity for La Paz and the SOdePAZ Development (Madrid-Espana)


Gilberto Lopez and Rivas
Miguel Alvarez
Key Vicente, libertario cantautor
Ricardo Loewe
Georgina M. Rangel
Garduno Angels
Oscar Gomez
R. Fco. Wilfrido Mayren Pelaez Pbro. Coordinator of the Commission Diocesana de Justicia and Paz/Oaxaca.
Adriana Parra Moon
Laura Elena Murphy
Gral. Jose Striking Francisco
Pavel Ramirez, comite Eureka
HEctor Mart?z Quevedo
Jose Sotelo Marban and family
Damian Camacho
Saul Vicente Vazquez
Action of Christians for the Abolition of Tortura (ACAT)
National association of Lawyers Democraticos ANAD
Block Fights Conscious Cch-Naucalpan
Block Fights Conscious Enep-AcatlAn
Group Expres (Michoacan), Fernado Bojorquez, Rocio Cardozo and Cajeme Bojorquez
Mexican commission of Defense and Promotion of the Human rights, Silvia Eyrie
Citizen Council Unhidalguense
Consolation Moral E. - Citizen in support to the Human rights, A.C., (Cadhac) Monterrey, N. L.
Equipment Town. - Areli Sandoval
Nizkor Equipment,
Feminario of San Cristobal of the Houses, Chiapas, Independent Movement of Mujeres and Mercedes Olivera.
In front of Student Groups of the Politecnico. Alberto Vilchis Hernandez and 27 companies
Mexican initiative against the War "Not in Our Name, Mexico", Rose Garcia Medrano, Gabriel Perez, Aracely Cortes, Adriana Hernandez
Jesus Towers Nuno (Secretary General of the SNRTE) Euzkadi
Insipid Juan Maldonado, Vice-president of the Directive Council of the Organizacion of Towns indigenouss Zapotecos, OPIZ
Marisa Thorny Kramsky
Popular house of Communication and Arts Even S.cotol.
San Cristobal of the Houses, Chiapas, Mexico
Alternative Movement Operator
Movement by La Paz with Justice and Dignity


National assembly of Workers and Trabajadores (ANT)
National Coalition INEGI
CODEP - CNPP Collective Morelos Ollin Mexica
Group of Groups of the Assembly of Districts of the City of Mexico (BEZ - PRD)
Collective Greater Lake
Comite Cherry tree
Metropolitan convention of Artists and Workers of the Culture
National Convention PRD
Coord. Trabjadores of the GDF
National coordination of Electricians CFE - SUTERM
Coordinator by the Freedom of the Politicall Prisoners and Conscience
Current of Revolutionary Workers - In front Popular Revolutionary CTR - FPR
FPR Oaxaca
Forum by Popular Culture FPR
In front Continental of Communal Organizations (Fcoc)
In front of Towns in Earth Defense of Atenco, Ignacio of the Medina Valley
In front in Defense of the Cultural Patrimony
In front Popular Francisco Villa
In front of Workers of the Energia
In front National of Resistance Against the Privatization of the Electrica Industry (FNRCPIE)
Youthin Alternative Resistance
Justice Peace and Life
League of Unidad Socialista (LUS)
Mexican LIMEDH Liga of Human rights
Movement 27 of September
Movement of Workers IMSS
Movement by a Party of Workers Independiente and Democratico
New Democracy
Party of the Communists
Socialist Popular Party
Periodic Militant Worker
Plural Chiapas
Popular preperatory school Tacuba
SNTE - CNTE Oaxaca Section XXII
UPVA 28 of October

Report: Community of Santa Maria Yaviche
Report: Community of San Isidro Aloapan
Report: Prisoners of conscience of the state of Oaxaca
Uprising of support to the caravan
