CARAVAN OF OBSERVATION BY The RIGHTS OF The INDIAN TOWNS And The FREEDOM OF PRISONERS Politicall And OF CONSCIENCE Of The OAXACA STATEThe Caravan of observation by the Rights of the Indian Towns and by the Freedom of the Politicall Prisoners and of Conscience that was made in the month of October, with the presence of 120 representatives of organizations like Serapaz, the Movement by La Paz with Justice and Dignity, Comite Cherry tree, Agency of Prensa India (APIN) Mexican League by the defense of the human rights, Serpaj, the Front of Lucha Estudiantil Julio Antonio Mella (FLEJAM), students of the ENAH, UNAM, CCH-Vallejo, UAM-Xochimilco, National School of Musica, Franciscana Community, Comite by the Liberation of Carlos Manzo, Union of Workers of Carriers of DF, Mexican Alliance by the Self-determination of the Towns (AMAP), National Coordinator by the Liberation of Politicall Prisoners and Conscience, the Mexican Network of Action As opposed to Libre Comercio (RMALC), CENCOS, EC Acatl A.C., In front Popular Francisco Villa, Urban Profile, Indymedia, Promoter by the National Unit against the Neoliberalism and Civil Society, has arrived at one from its important stages of work but: the analisis of the cases, Go up the preoccupations and the recommendations by the serious violations to the human rights, on which testimonies were gathered of an important diversity of actors, among them, communities, priests, students, indigenouss, you lead of organizations (indigenouss, civil, union), signallers of communitarian radios, among others. The cases documented on the paramilitary attack to Santa Maria Yaviche, the 16 of October, by some settlers of Tanetze de Zaragoza, along with integral of the CROCUT, one of the paramilitary groups of the state of Oaxaca, that caused the death of Bartolome Rooms, nine hurt people, two of gravity, and an atmosphere of tension in the population; the case of the aggression to the settlers of San Isidro Aloapam, in which two women aborted because of the blows and were catched several of the attacked people, by the settlers of San Miguel Aloapam; the constant aggressions and harassment against the CIPO-RFM, asi like the situation the one of Hidalgo Union, that with its Citizen Council Unihidalguense, a camaronicola industrial project threw atras, and after a request process of an audit to the Greater Contaduria of Property of the Legislature of the State to the Municipal City council of Hidalgo Union, same that in spite of to be ordered, until the moment has not been carried out and as consequence to their demands has been attacked, imprisoned with manufacture of crimes, assassinated, persecuted and with a pending process of disappearance of powers. The visits to the penitentiaries of Ixcotel and Tehuantepec, where of unjust way we found prisoners to indigenouss authorities loxichas, Pedro Castle, student of the UABJO, Isabel Almaraz, indigenous loxicha, Oliverio Neri, to lider of the Union of the Three Powers, Norberta Pereda Towers and Teresa Dwell Olmedo, of CODECI; to Carlos Manzo and Luis Alberto Marin (now it frees), of Hidalgo Union and to indigenouss of Guevea de Humboldt, and who ademas, we listened to cases of degrading and cruel treatment. Other cases of violations to the human rights that are added are those of the municipalities and communities of Tututepec, Yosotato, Chimalapas, Teojomulco (guilty manufacture for the case of Fria Water); the aggressions and constant threats to social and defending fighters of human rights as it is the case of: Father UVI (BARCA), Lic. Samuel Castilian, Beatriz Arellanes integral Houses of ACAT Oaxaca, that now take to the villa death threat; the constant aggressions and persecution, manufacture of crimes against members of the CIPO-RFM and the preoccupation of the risk to the physical and psychological integrity of Raul GATICA; impunity that far from solving returns to repress to zapotecos indigenouss of loxihcas that murder, the 26 of November of 2003 of the indigenous zapoteco Andres Enriquez Hernandez, member of the Organizacion of Towns indigenouss Zapotecos (OPIZ), other cases but is those of the communitarian radios, fifteen, (among them Cortamortaja), among other but which they Continuing denouncing and among them the harassment to coordinators of the caravans. He is very worrisome that of the 6 people who interposed a denunciation before the FEMOSPP, against Diodoro Carrasco, three has undergone serious violations: 27 of April, disappearance of Marcelino Santiago, halting of Ignacio GOMEZ GARCIA, the 17 of November; threats of death and Political persecution to Insipid Juan Maldonado. Ademas one of the amnestied ones, Andres Enriquez Hernandez was assassinated the 26 of November of 2003. Such events cause that at this moment it is lived in the state of Oaxaca, a situation of worrisome of tension, which podria to have irreparable consequences if the government does not adopt the necessary and opportune measures, along with the actors victimas of this increasing process of repression. Practicamente, all the communities and organizations visits face the Political persecution, the calumnies and threats you publish and you order of apprehension, situation that limits its civil rights and Politicall and mainly it causes the decomposition of the social weave. All the people involved in these cases demand respect to their human rights that were expressed by the many voices that they love life, that defends to the nature, the rights of the towns, of the women, the old ones, of the ninos, to the framed rights fundamental in the General purpose map of the Human rights, and protected by the different instruments international that the Mexican State has signed and ratified and that appeals by the social rights, economicos, cultural, environmental and by the civil and Politicall liberties with I animate to construct to a real democracy and a process of true, right and worthy peace for all and all. 12 of December of 2003
Report: Community of Santa Maria Yaviche Report: Community of San Isidro Aloapan Report: Prisoners of conscience of the stateof Oaxaca Uprising of support to the caravan Introduction |