(Fwd) Re: Pynchon in '68

Aaron Yeater AYEATER at ksgrsch.harvard.edu
Fri Apr 14 16:56:52 CDT 1995

> Joan Baez's husband was David Harris, who served 2 1/2 years in Federal
> prison, although I believe it was for resisting the draft. Harris went
> on to be a rather prominent writer at Rolling Stone, and then at the
> New York Times Magazine - of which Kirkpatrick Sale, Pynchon's Cornell
> buddy, was the editor. Oh, how the circles tighten! Harris also wrote
> a retrospective book on his experiences in the 60's and 70's; I haven't
> read it, but it might be interesting to read along with Vineland. Harris
> is now finishing up a non-fiction book on the timber wars in northern
> California, which provides another point of contact with V3...

for those with access to National Public Radio's "All Things 
Considered" the above-mentioned Mr. Harris will appear on the show 
tonight (april 14) to respond to Robert 
MacNamara's new book about the Viet Nam war, "In Retrospective".  
Considering MacNamara would make a fantastic, if pathetic pychon 
character, perhaps TRP will be out there, listening, smirking...

aaron yeater
Big Country (I don't know how I feel about this one...)

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