Bonnie Surfus (ENG) surfus at chuma.cas.usf.edu
Thu Jun 22 07:37:54 CDT 1995

. . . and once, in the field, almost too cleverly disguised to have been 
unintentional, we found, well, there's really no other way to describe 
it. . . a gigantic pea pod.  It was oozing some kind of clear mucus and 
appeared to be splitting open, like there was some kind'a baby sumthin' 
or other inside, just beginnin' to break out of its shell. Man, we must'a 
been pretty crazy from the sun a-or maybe we just drunk to much beer on 
the way over t'the . . .

no offense.  I can't sleep fer worryin' bout my exam.  And it started to 
sound like we were leading right up to this.  I'm not exempt, just daffy 
from sleep deprivation.


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