TRP, Vidal, cold war, colonialism

Chris Stolz cstolz at
Thu Oct 12 19:35:59 CDT 1995

To the person looking for a Pynchon-colonial theory connection--

read the article by Robert Holton entitled "In the Rathouse of
History with Thomas Pynchon:  Rereading _V._"  _Textual Practice_
2.3 (Winter, 1988). Holton uses Hayden White's discussions of the
historical sublime to deal with colonialism's representation in
_V._.  One of the best theoretical-perspective article on Pynchon.

You may also want to look at Martin van
Delden's article "modernism, the new Criticism, and Thjomas
Pynchon's _V._" _Novel: a Forum for Fiction_ 23.2 (Winter, 1990)
There's an interesting discussion of the uses of epiphany in the
Mondaugen chapter in this article.

chris stolz				16 Oakview PL. SW Calgary, AB
cstolz at			Canada T2V-3Z9 (403) 281-6794

...raise the roof cos it's all on fire, not done by the sun or electircal
wire, not done by sons striking matches with daughters but done by 
scratches so save that water..

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