Film, radio and Reflexivity

Grant White ulgw at
Wed Feb 7 15:53:16 CST 1996

If you want self reflexive, Stoppard's radio play "An artist descending 
a staircase" has it all. It begins with a fx of an artist falling down a 
flight of steps which then loops along through the rest of the play while 
the characters discuss art, life, death and bathroom etiquette.

--                                                                       -
Grant White                        |
Multi-media & Special Collections  |
Librarian                          | Internet:ulgw at 
The Central Coast Campus           |
Information Resource Centre        | Ph  (intl+61+43) 484026
University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA | Fax (intl+61+43) 484215

On Tue, 6 Feb 1996, Teen Age Riot wrote:

> While we're still in this mood of purging our thoughts of all other artists
> Pynchonian, lemme throw another name out, more out of circumstance than of
> strong correlation, but an interesting comparison nonetheless:  How about
> Tom Stoppard?  He's here at Penn this week for an assortment of festivities,
> and I'm going to hear him speak tomorrow on "The Landscape of Late
> Modernism"(4 pm at the Annenberg School Theatre if any of you are in the
> Philadelphia area), and it got me thinking.  He cowrote the script for
> _Brazil_, which we seem to agree smacks quite a bit of TRP. While I hate to
> attach any sort of blanket statement to his work, as he's way prolific, he
> has tackled certain themes which p-listers might find familiar: the role of
> the individual driven by larger forces, the interplay of science, art, and
> history, etc.  And don't forget that all-important first name factor. 
> Al
> __________________________________________
> al wang
> talk request: alwang at
> "What's My Solution?"
> "Noise Pollution!"

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