Pynchon's band

Not Filled In maas at
Thu Feb 15 10:01:50 CST 1996

A mid to late '70s work called "Have Moicy!" that was a collaborative
effort between Michael Hurley, Jeffrey Frederick and the Clamtones, and a 
Rounders offshoot called the Unholy Modal Rounders includes some
of the most memorable songs I have ever heard. (It was re-released
on CD by Rounder Records a few years ago.)  Also, some of the Rounders
were at one time in the Fugs, the great underground rock group.

Definitely, I could see TRP associating with these guys. 

P.S. I am using a new mail program, so please forgive if this message
comes through screwy.

>In <Chameleon.960215000937.plachazu@>, JM wrote: 

>For Pynchon's band I nominate the Holy Modal Rounders.  This 
>group grew out of the 60s folk scene in Greenwich Village, and 
>continued in some form into the late 70s.  Such unlikely 
>characters as the actor Sam Shepard have been associated with 
>the Rounders. (Shepard played drums on one of their albums.)    
>One of the two original members of the Holy Modal Rounders 
>released an album in 1989 titled "The People's Republic of Rock 
>& Roll."      -jm

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