Paul Mackin mackin at
Tue Jan 2 18:08:48 CST 1996

Don't know if it's valid or not, but I associate the practice of 
referring to things or situations by _initials_ very much with WWII.

There were GIs driving around in GPs (jeeps) and doing things on the QT.

It took Mad avenue a while to catch on. Lucky-green-going-to-war came at us 
_without_ initials, and even so was wildly popular as a saying for a 
short while.  A few months later LSMFT was introduced _as initials_ (along 
with their translaltion) and remained an American Tobacco Company slogan for
years. Like "Sold American", if anyone can remember. (L. S. "Speed" 
Riggs, the tobacco auctioneer)

Thanks for all who came through with info on Luckys. It remained my
brand throughout the war.


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