Whiz-bang new searchable hypertext Pynchon-l archive

Dan Schmidt dfan at harmonixmusic.com
Wed Apr 30 13:05:51 CDT 1997

Oliver Xymoron <oxymoron at waste.org> writes:

|   http://www.waste.org/pynchon-l/
| Fun things to search for:
| * just about any old thing (except, disappointingly, the word "avuncular")

You'll have to go to the David Foster Wallace list for that.  (Message
w/ "subscribe wallace-l" to waste.org, as always.)

I love the guy's books, but if he uses "avuncular" one more time I
will hunt him down.  Same goes for "hypertrophied."

                   Dan Schmidt --> dfan at harmonixmusic.com, dfan at alum.mit.edu
Honest Bob & the                   http://www.users.thecia.net/users/dfan/
  Factory-to-Dealer Incentives --> http://www.users.thecia.net/users/dfan/hbob/
            Gamelan Galak Tika --> http://web.mit.edu/galak-tika/www/

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