Internet Perfidity

ray gonne RAYGONNE at
Tue Aug 12 23:53:13 CDT 1997

Peter Giordano wrote:
>  The problem with the
> internet is that there is little accountability <...>
> <...>But I
> could upload the same article onto Pynchon-L where it could stand virtually
> unchallenged - 
seems to me we're all inquiring minds here, or that there are plenty of
inquiring minds here--when a statement is made, something
questionable--as in the end i suppose all statements are
questionable--someone retorts or calls in to question the questionable.
often times it's a point i hadn't considered, sometimes it's something i
noticed but didn't mention. point is, the internet, with all of its
rapid-fire informations, allows for response and calls for
clarification. THAT to me is the beauty of this medium, and that is what
i enjoy about this list. that said, i must qualify my statement by
noting that many of us are at times hyper-aware of what is being said,
on both ends, mouth and ear: we censor ourselves, we censor each other.
i've been reading of late about the internet censorship debate, and it
seems to me that one must police oneself--it's the burdon of freedom. as
for innocent children on the net, i feel like concerned parents can only
present or instill (whichever method they prefer) their own values to
the kids and allow them to make responsible choices. it is absurd to try
to censor the world, and if the internet is to be a viable means of
communication we must rely upon our own sense of decency to steer us
where we wish to go.

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