M&D truthtelling, history & I.F. Stone

Joaquin Stick dmaus at email.unc.edu
Fri Aug 15 10:26:39 CDT 1997

> At 09:55 AM 8/15/97 -0400, Peter Giordano wrote:
> >I say:
> >The above is a highly romantized vision of reading which does not bear out
> >in the real world - Not because he argues that reading is as wonderful as
> >what he describes, but because he excludes media of which he does not
> >approve - The flaw in the above is best illustrated in his exemption of
> >photography from his list - Why is photography exempt and not film?  Plenty
> >of painters would (wrongly) disagree with him - Bottom line:  good film is
> >just as rewarding as good literature and just as challenging

While some might argue about whether or not Lars von Trier is necessarily
"good film," I think a film like _Zentropa_ or _Breaking the Waves_ (which
made me believe that this Emily Watson will be brilliant for years
to come if given the chance) perfectly illustrates that everything is
indeed "not given to you" in film just because the images are there in
front of you instead of "inside your head." The lack of dialogue and gaps
in the storytelling in these films, leading to necessary Quentin like
ratiocenations, certainly challenge and stimulate the viewers. I got so
many correspondences between _Zentropa_ and _GR_ that I almost
instinctively assume that von Trier is a rabid Pynchon fan.

Just my pair of coppers worth,

Derek Maus (dmaus at email.unc.edu) |  " Cranks and irresponsible people have
UNC-CH, Dept. of English         |    always been around and always will.
http://www.unc.edu/~dmaus/       |           You are high on glue."
                                 |     --Sojourner, on the Pynchon-List

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