1st edition GR

j minnich plachazu at ccnet.com
Sun Feb 23 19:43:20 CST 1997

>From Rick Lawler:
>     I have a first edition, first printing, copy of GR that I bought from a
>rare book specialist in Cambridge in summer '95. Set me back $750. It is in
>perfect condition - apparently never having been read. 
>     The inside of the dust jacket contains only "A.S.C.A.T.S" , "jacket
>design by Marc Getter", and the price  --  $15.00.
>      Does this mean that what ever price it is that we are all about to lay
>out for our copies of M & D will appreciate 5000% in the next 22 years ? (If
>we don't read them?)
>       Does anyone know what the quantity of the first printing of GR was,
>and how many the first print run of M & D will be ?
>     Rick Lawler

My "bookclub edition" has on the dust jacket only "A.S.C.A.T.S" and "jacket
design by Marc Getter."  No price, and certainly no mention of _Vineland_.
I dint pay no $750 for it, that's for sure, but it is in nearly perfect
condition. Does anybody know if GR ever was a bookclub selection?   As to
the future value of my _GR_ and of my (as yet still unpurchased M & D), I
suspect that in 22 years I'll be dead, or nearly so.  I suspect that my
precious book collection is precious to me alone.  At some point in the
future, if no earthquake, flood, or fire has already buried, desolved, or
incinerated it, my book collection'll become just so much burdemsome "junk"
that my executor will be trying to unload with as little trouble as
possible.  And that's all the happy thoughts I can come up with right now.  
               -j minnich
...The poet is dead.
Nor will ever again hear the sea lions 
Grunt in the kelp at Point Lobos.
Nor look to the south when the grunion 
Run the Pacific, and the plunging
Shearwaters, insatiable, 
Stun themselves in the sea.  
   -Wm. Everson

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