the Qlippoth, Nazis, Pynchon
Jason Witherspoon
arzachel at SIRIUS.COM
Wed Feb 26 15:45:08 CST 1997
Here's a nice quote from Crowley (who really bears investigation; a
decidedly flamboyant personality, but a fascinating individual):
"Any idea that is thus in itself positve and negative, active & passive,
male & female, is fit to exist above the Abyss; any idea not so
equilibrated is below the Abyss, contains in itself an unmitigated duality
or falsehood, and is to that extent qliphotic & dangerous".
He goes on to define Qliphoth as "'Shells' or demons. The excrement of
ideas" in his glossary (all of this from _Book Four_).
The "Abyss" he's speaking of is the abyss between the supernal Sephiroth
(generally unknowable godhead sorta stuff) & the lower 7 (normal affairs of
men & angels).
The best intro to *esoteric* Kabbalah (which most religious Jews will
disown faster than a pack of tarot cards) I've stumbled across is William
Gray's _Ladder of Lights_. I find it to be a beautiful, spiritual
meditation on a subject which I really believe holds many keys to "our
predicament". Dion Fortune's _The Mystical Qabalah_ is okay as well.
Jason Witherspoon
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