TRP Home Page? (was Re: Aloes Editions)

Jason Witherspoon arzachel at SIRIUS.COM
Thu Feb 27 12:17:22 CST 1997

At 6:36 AM 2/27/97, Brian D. McCary wrote:
>Fascinating.  From the two descriptions, the Entropy reprint sounds
>like something done after COL49 and befor GR, while the Aloes editions
>were all printed up in during that big long gap after GR.
>For those who aren't aware of it, I believe the Watts piece is
>posted on the Thomas Pynchon Home Page.  I wonder who the beurocratic
>mole genius was who worked 66-6 into the number?

And where might a newbie find the TRP Home Page?

                                                  Jason Witherspoon

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