pyn quotes foucault?

andrew at andrew at
Tue Mar 18 05:20:00 CST 1997

Mike Weaver writes:

>  My statement
> >> What is an MCP but what you describe, where the rationale is that
> >> domineering/ hostile/patronising (add your own favourite) behaviour
> >> is a normal way to behave with a woman?

> was not meant as a singular definition but a selection of attitudes
> which, taken by a man towards a woman, are sexist in effect.
> Franz's behaviour towards Leni is sexist through his inability to
> accept her right to her own language and his responsibility as her
> partner to learn it.

But look, Franz is indeed a chauvinist pig it's just that it's nothing
to do with males and females. He acts this bad to everyone. If sexism
is to be worth remarking on it has to be because it is in response to
sex. The concept loses its value otherwise. Franz would respond to one
of Leni's male astrologer friends in exactly the same way he responds
to Leni. If there were only Franz's in this world then we would still
have lots of prejudice and misunderstanding but *no* sexism. The
prejudice would have been neutered.

Andrew Dinn
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say:  I flow.
To the rushing water speak:  I am.

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