The List

still lookin 4 the face i had b4 the world was made traveler at
Wed May 7 12:38:09 CDT 1997

On Wed, 7 May 1997, Peter Giordano wrote:
> Henry said (in response to  a series of postings below):
> >Ditto. IMHO, the Pynchon-L is a virtual community that has in common
> >an interest in the life and literature of Thomas Ruggles Pynchon.
> >Most messages to the list concern that common interest, but like any
> >community, there are gonna be discussions that you don't want to be
> >involved with: spoilers, perhaps, or messages from particular...
> >
> Steve Maas said:
> >> So is _this_ post of yours "focus[ed] on Pynchon and his work"?  And
> >> please be careful when referring to members of the list as "the rest
> >> of us"--the members of this list hardly form a monolithic whole...
> I said to Steve:
> I agree that one should be careful about censoring what is allowed
> as public discourse - But it cuts both ways - Ridicule and insults are
> also a method of censorship
> For those who argue that everybody has a right to an opinion,
> I'd agree - But we all also have the right to be treated fairly
> and honestly.

Of course everyone has a right to their own opinion.  This is the
Internet...  I am all in favor of unrestricted communication.  I never said
a word about "censorship" or the like.  I simply expressed my opinion, which
I will stand by:  Siegel's posting of personal exchanges of insulting e-mail
is, IMO, garbage.  Your mileage may vary, and it's a matter of degrees--when
does a debate turn into a flame war?  But I don't see any relevance to TRP
in a lot of what he posts.  Unless you think that anything he writes is
important, just b/c he once knew TRP.  Which is what Siegel himself seems to
think...  I however do not. 


M a x i m u s  D a v i d  C l a r k e | Don't let them   | take your culture 
                "Surrealist-At-Large" | and sell it back to you!
                     traveler at | --'60s graffito

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