GRGR: Holocaust-related book review
Doug Millison
millison at
Sun Aug 22 14:09:33 CDT 1999
More grist for the when-you-have-a-hammer-everything-looks-like-a-nail
Hilene Flanzbaum, ed. The Americanization of the Holocaust.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. 261 pp. Notes and index.
$48.50 (cloth), ISBN 0-8018-6021-0; $16.95 (paper), ISBN 0-8018-6022-9.
Reviewed by Richard Libowitz, Intellectual Heritage Program, Temple University.
"Evolving from a panel at the 1996 Modern Language Association Convention,
editor Hilene Flanzbaum has gathered twelve essays which review the means
by which the arts have enabled the Holocaust to enter the American
consciousness, gain accepted by the general public, and be transformed by
the experience."
Art Spiegelman's comic books Maus and Maus II are the subject of an essay,
but apparently not GR.
d o u g m i l l i s o n
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