GRGR Kristallnacht

Doug Millison millison at
Mon Jul 12 22:16:02 CDT 1999

At 5:18 PM -0500 7/12/99, RICHARD_WILSON at wrote:
> Doug suggests that the state of public knowledge about the corporate
>and support for the 3rd reich circa 1973 was somewhat lacking. so TRP is
>to tell us that nazis and multi-national corpos are bad stuff? i can think of
>much, much, much, much more efficient ways to spread this message than

If, for example, you wanted to reach the audience for complex,
cutting-edge, contemporary literary fiction in the early '70s, GR provided
a pretty efficient vehicle.  By 1973, the "message" about the way the
international economy works, who benefits and who loses, was being
disseminated from many sources, although, paradoxically, increasingly
difficult to discern in the wave of corporate consolidations that has
gradually put a stranglehold on serious critique in the years since.

Again, so as not to be misunderstood, the politics of the war is only one
dimension of a multidimensional work of art. But, an important one, I
suggest. Your mileage may vary.

d o u g  m i l l i s o n

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