Questions posed by EWS

keith woodward woodwaka at
Wed Jul 21 12:01:36 CDT 1999

>>Not for myself, at least.  What I find seriously disturbing are the social
>> >issues (to which I rarely pay any attention) in the film that are
>>seriously >behind the times.
>The spectre of AIDS and blind lust behind the times?

Perhaps not, but neither are they *primarily* social issues (the former is
a medical and the latter is a psycho-sexual issue)...they're social in a
secondary sense, but hey, so's everything else.  [more below]

>  I suspect that much of the negativity also centers
>>around the heavy-handedness and self-consciousness of the film's being
>> >disturbing.  It's not as disturbing as it thinks it is (my wife and I
>>often >found ourselves chuckling uncontrollably at those disturbing
>>moments, Keith
>child prostitution, AIDS, these are scary. We are overtly familiar w/ these
>things.  Still creepy every time ya hear about it. To think Harford was
>close to losing his sense of reality, and just barely avoided going over the
>edge was pretty compelling to me. Think of all the instances he coulda made
>the wrong choice or not been helped out.  He's lucky at the end of the
>flick, and he knows it, but it's come at a price, a big price.  I also
>thought the music was appropriate to the action, sparse at times, baroque in

Yes.  But his obsession with his wife's fantasy, his epiphany upon seeing
the mask in bed, the homosexual/emasculation under/over/over/undertones,
&c. are all fairly rediculous and overdone.  The AIDS bit is really only
compelling because it (in sonme sense) punishes the viewer for engaging (if
he/she does) in the fantasy of intercourse with the prostitute by
reintroducing reality.  But come on, AIDS, child prostitution?  So what?
If that's all it takes, save $10 and go watch 20/20 or Nightline.  I don't
think Cruise's character ever had a very plausible sense of reality to
begin with.  And, what's the price?


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