keith woodward woodwaka at
Thu Jul 1 13:34:34 CDT 1999

rj wrote:
>Pointy isn't too worried about Mexico, because he can see the guy's all
>caught up in lurv. But he is concerned about the idea/epistemology
>Mexico stands for: true and total objectivity. Which, of course, is
>unattainable. As Pynchon demonstrates.

But isn't the Pavlovian approach to mind/consciousness also an objectivist
approach.  It seems to me that Pavlov's approach argues for not only an
objective epistemology, but an objective ontology (in which stimulus and
response can be not only discovered, but relied upon within the world (for
Pavlov, stimulus and response, as it were, IS the way that the world works
(it's all causality))).  Whereas Roger's statistical bent will allow for an
epistemological approach to which predictability lends itself with regard
to the real (if you follow me), but to which ontology remains nonetheless
uncertain.  But nonetheless, it seems to me that it's not the objective
epistemology that concerns Pointsman, but rather the removal of ontological
certainty by the rejection of absolute causality within the real of the
real ('cause that just gums up the whole on/off approach, yeh know?)

Keith W

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