Pynchon & corporations

Doug Millison DMillison at
Thu Apr 26 18:45:02 CDT 2001

I don't believe Pynchon is just picking corporations out of the hat because
he needs bad guys and villains for his fiction.   He appears to take great
pains to dig deep into specific historical situations, gives them intriguing
fictional twists, but his frame of reference always remains the world as we
know it. Does Pynchon refuse to have anything to do with corporations?
Obviously not. Does he condemn corporations? I don't know the answer to that
question. His books certainly condemn what corporations do -- he holds them
responsible for War, for starters, and for environmental destruction -- and
that critique forms a spine that runs through all his works.  That he
lavishes so much energy and creative power on his depictions of the evil
that corporations do tells me that he thinks this critique is important, but
of course I don't know what he thinks, all I'm doing is drawing some
conclusions from what Pynchon writes.  

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