
Robert S. sudol at kki.net.pl
Sun Oct 28 16:07:50 CST 2001

As I'm finishing my Polish translation of GR, would anybody please help as far as the following are concerned: 
1. "Silver Streak"  - in reference to Bland's pinball wizard  Bet Fibel (V.583, 586). What is this? 
2. "bags of chuckling glass" (V.584). What does it refer to? The thumbs' childhood ("playground slides")?
3. "Semirechie" (V.340, 610) Can't find any Russian equivalent of that name. Is it a Kirghiz town, a geographical region?
4. "Ginger Groupers". (V.615) Fictional?
5. "RPMs" (V. 619)
6. "very serious-looking French refugee kid, funny haircut with ears perfectly outlined in hair that starts abruptly a quarter-inch strip of bare plastc skin away": (V.675) I somehow can't evisage his haircut. Where exactly does the hair start? "Away" from what?  
7 . "pretty soon there's a crowd, subdeb cuties each a $65 fine and worht every penny dropping in epileptiform seizures into selfless heaps of cable-stitching, ryaon pleats and Xmastree applique".  (V.700) All the words are clear, but I can't make any sense of it. 
8.. "The other sure-fire calibration" (V. 708) Obviously refers to those gigantic foam penises, but somehow it's beyond me. 
Please, any hints are welcome. 
Robert S. 
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