[pynchon] Re: Mason & Dixon

Dave Monroe davidmmonroe at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 6 08:29:09 CDT 2001

Doubleplussheesh ...

--- Mal <annemac at alphalink.com.au> wrote:
> Thanks awfully, Otto, it's always vaguely
> interesting to hear what the grown-ups are about
> these days; I imagine you think we need reminding 
> from time to time, even if unasked.
> But we here are not (yet) corroded by semiotology,
> we will bring a nouveau and unprejudiced light to
> illuminate this magnificent novel, crippled by no
> baggage from your medieval arcana.  We demand our
> Place In The Sun!

Like a blister ...?  But being a typically rushed and
miserable typist myself, I'm pretty forgiving when it
comes to typos, misspellings, misused words, et al.,
so ...
> Pynchon-L is grey and hoary, a slavering oligarcy,
> long past its use-by date.  We do not dance to your
> timetable, nor are we intimidated by your
> Derridaesque convolutions and shallow sophistry.

Actually, the sophistry can get pretty deep, but ...
> Mason & Dixon for us holds the text for a new age,
> and we will articulate it, and fashion it, and maybe
> fabricate it.  But in our own good time.  For now,
> we await Master Kris to finish LETTERS; then our 
> work will start in earnest, and then you will know
> the meaning of  fear.

Main Entry: fear
Pronunciation: 'fir
Date: before 12th century
transitive senses
1 archaic : FRIGHTEN
2 archaic : to feel fear in (oneself)
3 : to have a reverential awe of <fear God>
4 : to be afraid of : expect with alarm
intransitive senses : to be afraid or apprehensive
- fear·er noun

Main Entry: fear
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English fer, from Old English f[AE]r
sudden danger; akin to Latin periculum attempt, peril,
Greek peiran to attempt
Date: 12th century
1 a : an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by
anticipation or awareness of danger b (1) : an
instance of this emotion (2) : a state marked by this
2 : anxious concern : SOLICITUDE
3 : profound reverence and awe especially toward God
4 : reason for alarm : DANGER 


> Mal.

I will be Reading with Interest ...

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