weighing in

argirios zias argirioszias at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 15 20:50:57 CDT 2001

Why don't you weigh in with a M&D post.
There are not a few that are in the middle of
discussing chapter one. Lots and lots to say about it
that hasn't been said. It will take a little more effort
than standing up to shut everyone else up  by
only reminding us of what we know better than you, that we have  a very 
pluralistic bunch here at Pynchon-l and it's frustrating for all of us from 
time to time, but we do manage, as someone recently said, to read and 
discuss Pynchon's novels here, all of them have
beenn read and discussed here, but we have some people that feel they need 
to or want  to say something to this list about current events.
This is also welcome. It's simple, really, post on what it is you would like 
to see discussed. If it's on M&D or GR or any P novel, you won't have to 
read but the ones that follow your thread to get a lot out of the good 
people here.


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