Political metaphors (was Re: on ann coulter

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at verizon.net
Mon Jul 15 13:07:03 CDT 2002

jbor wrote:

> Paul wrote:
> > I have to agree to some extent with Rob's experience with American p-listers
> > of
> > the left. However, the nonAmerican ones seem not very different from American
> > middle of the roaders.They live in the real world I mean.
> I think this sums it up, though it's not entirely an American phenomenon. I
> think just about all of the Pynchon readers who subscribe to the list
> empathise with and endorse what are essentially "leftist" values.

Endorsement for example of strong curbs on the business practices which brought
down Enron, Arthur Andersen, and WorldCom and hurt a lot of little people while
the biggies get out with their golden parachutes. .

However,  definitely no endorsement for trying to topple capitalism. :-)

> Most who
> post here feel free to agree or disagree - i.e. dissent - with whatever on a
> case by case basis. But there're two or three "Left" extremists on the list,
> and a few silent witnesses, who feel themselves compelled to follow the
> "party line" no matter how absurd the conspiracy theory, or how manipulative
> and deceitful the discursive tactics,

Willingness to believe or pretend to believe  in proposterous conspiracy theories
is dishonest. It is also pathetic. Pathetic because  pointless.  It's not as if it
some desirable change in anything might come of it. As if it could be viewed as
'revolutionary truth.'  Be seen  as a questionable means justified by a desirable
end. It's just pure and simple pointless verbiage  generated for no purpose.

> or how vile and unwarranted the ad
> hominem attacks which emanate from that particular lobby.

Since I from time to time make ad hominem attacks against one member of the
p-list, in that respect I am as bad as he is.  I will commend Rob for trying to
use dignified argument with Doug but suspect at times he has his own doubts about

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