P's Intro to _1984_

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 15 12:47:28 CST 2004

> _H-Net Review: Burcak Keskin-Kozat on Mary L. Dudziak, ed,
> September 11 in History: A Watershed Moment?_

I took a nap Saturday and had a dream of an unlocked
lock and then of a door opening, so I was emboldened
to hand this brief letter to my new pastor on Sunday:


It is my great pleasure to come to your church.
I see in you the breadth of understanding that
makes you a bulwark of strength, a rock in the
faith. I desire to become more like that myself.

I do have this word of knowledge to share: The
epochal cataclysm is accomplished and now past,
and we are in the anticipated new millenium of
Christ's reign. I can decode the symbols of it.
In this smooth transition, the church shall be
uplifted and not betrayed, and it's power come.

Where to start? I like to say Ezekiel chapter 1
was given to me as a signature piece, because
referents of these symbols are easy to show as
a sign, before I propose anything more subtle.

Working from memory, as I have done this before,
Ezekiel 1 describes something ubiquitous in our
time, unknown in his time: an automobile engine!

Consider: The famous wheel-in-a-wheel is the
eccentric crankshaft, the terrible crystal a
camshaft, other wheels that do not turn, but
reciprocate, pistons, said again for valves,
which are wings layed out in pairs touching
one another, which move the gases about, etc.

Now the much harder thing is to suggest that
the events of the World Trade Center suffice
to fulfill all prophecy regarding cataclysms.

I find that many poets and prophets foresee
this very event, like Dante's vision ending
the Purgatory section of Divine Comedy; and
that it's partial fulfillment is everywhere.

Consider how the WTC was like Tyre, and how
seven trumpets felled the walls of Jericho,
and the seven trumpets of Revelation can be
shown as aspects of the WTC strike and fall.

Consider how the two airplanes are like the
flying scrolls of Zechariah, which entered
the house of thief and liar, and destroy it.
It is also this figure of Babylon: captive
of every unclean and hateful bird, airplane.

I am a weakling in lit-crit and philosophy,
but is not the Cartesian enlightenment, and
scientific method, and capitalism upon that:
exactly 1. the exclusion of a rare metanoia,
direct gnosis, Kant's transcendental ideal
needed to establish morals (His categorical
imperative looks like Jesus' commandments.)
because of its unrepeatability among peers,
making 2. man separate and God transcendent
to science, and 3. the increase of capital
using technology a worship of a non-entity
that is idolatrous, a wisdom who claims she
is no widow, but in reality, excluded God?

I'll enjoy sharing as much as you can bear
in the upcoming days that we fellowship in
the worship of Jesus Christ, our only Lord
and Saviour, and I praise you for preaching
the word of salvation through Jesus Christ.


Sunday, my wife told me her dreams, about
some kind of a church breakfast, and of an
accusatory "Who made this oatmeal?" Then
of having some kind of white robes, as if
for some initiation ceremony, taken away.

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at + earthlink.net
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