ATDTDA (5.1) - The Etienne-Louis Malus
robinlandseadel at
robinlandseadel at
Sat Apr 7 19:04:50 CDT 2007
Awesome, dude, really, as in the bona-fied, pre- "Bill & Ted", pre-ironic,
uncorrupted, original and virginal defintion of "Awesome".
Monte Davis:
It's important to understand that
every bit of special relativity can be
expressed purely in terms of what
happens to clocks and meter sticks,
with no one along for the ride. Every
bit of quantum mechanics can be expressed
as instrument readings. Every time they
have been tested, they've come through with
quantitative precision -- in the case of
quantum electrodynamics, to twelve
decimal places. Their weird phenomena
"really happen" in the everyday sense that
they can be replicated anywhere, any
time, by anyone (whether skeptical or
credulous, Grand Cohen or bored
undergraduate following a lab manual),
recorded and played back, etc. This
is as far as can be from Magick, in
which the cool stuff always seems to
depend on a properly enlightened
practitioner with the right attitude,
operating at midnight in the dark of
the moon with just the right kind of
candles burning... and, of course,
no skeptics around to interfere with
the vibrational aura...
Now, I ain't coming directly from personal experience right here (I've tended to
get involved with the "set and setting" type of crowd, more distaff than
left-handed, real old-fashioned types, you find a lot in Oakland and the
remaining redroods around Garberville and Northwards and sure enough there's
Magick going 'round, but it veers towards the "Magic Theater" class of action,
intended for local spiritual consumption, true conservation and other forms of
entertainment more than "the shit that works" actions like what Geli Tripping
[one of my all-time favorite Witches] was working with, though every now and
then. . . .) but I've had more than my fair share of personal interaction with
O.T.O. types (gotta be T.W.I.T.S., just gotta be) and their matching literature
as to suggest that there was some drug-addled vision in Weird Uncle Al's
occipital lobes that displayed his Magickal System as correlate to Quantum
Physics. From the "Book of Thoth": "Unimportant to the present purpose
are tradition and authority. Einstein's Theory of Relativity does not rest on
the fact that, when his theory was put to the test, it was confirmed. The only
theory of ultimate interest about the Tarot is that it is an admirable symbolic
picture of the Universe, based on the data of the Holy Qabalah." Whether their
actions be thought Holy or Foul'ly, a certain leap of faith and an overabundance
of mental energy are required for practioners of that particular "Great Work". I
suspect a little background check might be in Order for the Grand Cohen.
Yes, at their outer reaches relativity
and quantum mechanics *do* raise
fascinating questions about consciousness --
how could it be otherwise when they
challenge our Kantian categories, the very
deeply ingrained conceptionsof space, time,
and causality? But it takes a lot of humility
and care to open the mind that far without
your brains falling out.
There's a remark that comes up occasionally
in fundamental physics (I don't know the
original form or the source):
We're trying to understand extravagantly large
and small, rapid and slow, far-away and
long-ago phenomena with nervous systems and
language that evolved to locate the ripe fruit and
chase the hyenas away from the freshest
So patience and caution are indicated.
That's really brilliant and true.
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