AtDDtA(15): Outro

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Mon Aug 20 15:47:57 CDT 2007

great new an dold stuff.....
  and reading GR I came across this in The Counterforce section....Heavenly City capped like that.....

Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at> wrote:
  On 8/20/07, robinlandseadel at wrote:

> "Well hello everybody, I'd like to introduce "Legs" Larry Smith, drums. . . ."

... and Sam Spoon, rhythm pole ...

> First off, congrats to Dave on a superb set of annotations with some great
questions---like "what the hell is going on?"

This I understand is not an uncommon question when it comes to Pynchon ...

> I can only offer that we are entering into a zone* where things get increasing fictitious for awhile.

Entering? ...

> A customer at my store yesterday was looking for history books concerning WWII, knew a fair bit concerning WWI, pointing out the build-up of naval power , the blur between pleasure luxury liners and warships at the time and the near-mystical qualities of the strait of Gibraltar.

Okay, found Mark's note about Pynchon having borrowed this ...

... which I by and large forgot about during the last M&D reading ...

... but where's the one about his also having borrowed/read, I THINK,
perhaps even having been acknowledged in ...

... or somesuch, though do note ...

Rodger, N.A.M. The Insatiable Earl:
A Life of John Montagu, Fourth Earl of Sandwich,
1718-1792. London: HarperCollins, 1993.

> * Don't know about your take on this, but as far as I can tell, "The Zone" is the region of Europe without govermental claim [for the moment, at least.] ...,,9780143037750,00.html?breadcrumbList=judt&bcPath=c590611%2D00000000%23%23%2D1%23%23%2D1%7E%7Eq6a756474&searchProfile=US-590611-global&strSrchSql=judt

... geographically, historically, yes, but also cf. ...

There is a zone of nonbeing, an extraordinarily sterile and arid
region, an utterly naked declivity where an authentic upheaval can be
born." --Frantz Fanon, Black Skins, White Mask (1952; p. 8)

As well as, anachronistically (as well as anarchically) ...

A set of possibilties, potentialities ...

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