AtDDtA(15): Outro

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Tue Aug 21 11:32:48 CDT 2007

"And Vernon Dudley Bohay-Nowell, bass guitar. . . ."

Fantastic response, full of meaningful cross-reference. What your notes and 
links brought to mind was the role of the pilgrimage in Pynchon and in 
particular in AtD. There is the upcoming journey by the CoC to Shambhala, 
then Kit's far more rigorous journey to Shambhala. Somehow, Hesse's 
"Journey to the East" comes to mind. 
 -------------- Original message [more or less. . . .]----------------------
          "Well hello everybody, I'd like to introduce "Legs" Larry Smith,           
          drums. . . ."
... and Sam Spoon, rhythm pole ...
          First off, congrats to Dave on a superb set of annotations with 
          some great questions---like "what the hell is going on?"
This I understand is not an uncommon question when it comes to Pynchon ...
          I can only offer that we are entering into a zone* where things 
          get increasing fictitious for awhile.
Entering? ...

[me: . . . .uh, er, yeah---ok, let's say even less tethered to "consensus 
          A customer at my store yesterday was looking for history books 
          concerning WWII, knew a fair bit concerning WWI, pointing out          
          the build-up of naval power, the blur between pleasure luxury 
          liners and warships at the time and the near-mystical qualities
          of the strait of Gibraltar.

Okay, found Mark's note about Pynchon having borrowed this ...
 ... which I by and large forgot about during the last M&D reading ...
... but where's the one about his also having borrowed/read, I THINK,
perhaps even having been acknowledged in ...
 ... or somesuch, though do note ...
Rodger, N.A.M.  The Insatiable Earl:
  A Life of John Montagu, Fourth Earl of Sandwich,
    1718-1792.  London: HarperCollins, 1993.
          * Don't know about your take on this, but as far as I can tell, 
          "The Zone" is the region of Europe without govermental
          claim [for the moment, at least.] ...

 ... geographically, historically, yes, but also cf. ...
 There is a zone of nonbeing, an extraordinarily sterile and arid
 region, an utterly naked declivity where an authentic upheaval can be
 born."  --Frantz Fanon, Black Skins, White Mask (1952; p. 8)
As well as, anachronistically (as well as anarchically) ...
A set of possibilties, potentialities ...

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