NP; looks like the Dem Primary is kinda like Iceland Sparring.....

Thomas Eckhardt thomas.eckhardt at
Wed Mar 5 16:16:51 CST 2008

Has one of the candidates announced that she/he will hold the 
war-criminals and torturers of the current administration to account and 
restore habeas corpus etc.? If not, I see no need to debate the relative 
merits of Clinton and Obama. Sadly, your much touted Republic is dead 
and everything else is Kabuki.

On a different note, I also find it sad that someone who supported the 
war crime against the Iraqi people is even considered to be worth voting 
for around these parts. I do not confuse Hillary Clinton with her 
husband, but in this regard it should be mentioned that Bill Clinton was 
responsible for the death of about 500.000 Iraqis, mainly children up to 
the age of five. Considering the standing of Hillary and Bill Clinton in 
the liberal/progressive community, it seems obvious that the lives of 
foreigners do not mean much to most liberals/progressives in the United 
States. See also, amongst other things, the charge of incompetence 
against the current administration, which boils down to accusing the 
Bush administration of not perpetrating war crimes as they should be 

Of course, Obama has an advantage as far as the supreme crime of the 
Nuremberg trials is concerned. On the other hand, he wants to send more 
mercenaries to Iraq.

Electability seems to be the issue here. Seems that only pestilence and 
cholera are electable in the U.S. It makes for a nice soap opera, though.


P.S. Sorry, Laura. I usually enjoy your postings very much, but this is 
a sensitive topic with me.

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