NP: The Newly Crowded King of Meta

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Sun Mar 23 12:43:46 CDT 2008

Simon is certainly "meta" in the sense of which Pynchon is pretty 
totally lacking.

Simon  expostulates a lot about his own work.

But in another way the two writers seem to be viewed as alike.

Both get mildly criticized for presenting us viewer/readers with 
outlandish, cartoonish characters.

Personally I like outlandish. McNulty's sexcapes reminded me of Slothrop.


robinlandseadel at wrote:
> . . . .Because the thing I can't leave alone, the thing that 
> makes me giddy as a schoolgirl is this: Whatever else I 
> am -- a traitorous apostate to newsprint, the angriest 
> hack in television, a kicker of small dogs -- you must 
> acknowledge that I am now, also, the newly crowded 
> King of Meta. That's right. I am your new lord sovereign 
> of buried, latent, subtextual argument. I dragged it past 
> sarcasm, past cynicism, and all the way to balls-out snide. 
> Crown me up and kneel, ya bitches. . . .

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