The Whole Sick Crew

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Fri Mar 28 21:30:09 CDT 2008

Just picked up "6 Sick Hipsters" by Rayo (sometimes rayo) Casablanca. On
the rear cover notes (paperback edition), we find, "Williamsburg,
Brooklyn, is the center of the hipster universe, and the members of the
Whole Sick Crew are its shining stars." A bit below we find, "The cops are
dragging their heels, but the Whole Sick Crew knows that a serial killer
dubbed Doctor Jeep is responsible."

Hmm...Anyone reading this ever heard of a like-named Crew? Have only stuck
my nose in the book, but it looks good.

NP to Robin:

>From some of your posts, I have the notion that you attended UC Berkeley,
as well as the idea that you live in the Bay Area. I lived in Berkeley
many years ago. Yeah, I'm that old and have the hoary mane to prove it. My
non-Pynchonian question is whether Cody's is still the great bookstore it
used to be? I need to have contact with an excellent US bookseller, and to
my knowledge, Cody's always was the best, or second best, bookstore in the
US. Thanks for any help you can give me.


> . . . .Because the thing I can't leave alone, the thing that
> makes me giddy as a schoolgirl is this: Whatever else I
> am -- a traitorous apostate to newsprint, the angriest
> hack in television, a kicker of small dogs -- you must
> acknowledge that I am now, also, the newly crowded
> King of Meta. That's right. I am your new lord sovereign
> of buried, latent, subtextual argument. I dragged it past
> sarcasm, past cynicism, and all the way to balls-out snide.
> Crown me up and kneel, ya bitches. . . .

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