Mormons and Aztecs (Was ATDTDA (33) - p. 927-30 - railroads)

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Fri May 23 12:37:52 CDT 2008

> Are the "unreadable apparitions" airplanes?

No. Here's my totalizing insight. (It works for me.)

I read-in that indeed the Mormons were the invaders to the Aztecs,
even as the Pilgrims were the first invaders to America overall.

What they pictured up North (where passively evangelized/invaded at first)
but not down South (where these persons were resisting and fleeing from it)
is the ludicrous (to us that gnow) and literal word-pictures of the Bible:
Winged people, serpent headed, unreadable apparitions above, fiery.

Pg 928 has: Frank's "case-hardened immunity to anything extraliteral".

Therefore on the last page, Frank "knows" the Brujo's paths as meaning
railroad; Never Tao: I am the Way. But Wren's ways are "stranger" per
Brujo, and Frank fears she might go far beyond, and cross the invisible,
to enter that place of the creatures, and slavery protrayed lamentably.

Like the mention of firecrackers, where I infered Tancredi's firecracker,
here we have OBA throw us just such another clue, in "undefined wing".

The Hebrew word translated wings has a rich range of Hebraic usages,
(as in a wing of a cathedral) which I would summarize as "extremity".

In particular, my AF/AC insight is that wings is often used of labia,
lips. In particular, we have the six-labia seraphim, which are females
in AC, which cover their face with two, and cover their feet (genitals)
with two, and fly (probably uses greek erxomai: both to go / TO COME!).

However, the six-winged beasts of Revelation are non-AC whores: They
have eyes (opthalmos/holes) before and behind, and even under their
wings (labia, lips).

Whereas the male AC is a two-winged eagle. See all the bird poets!

The holistic isomorphic fit of the metaphor exceeds that of course,
as if by design: E.g., penis seems to fit the "winds of the earth"
in sodomy, winds of the sea in intercourse, winds of heaven in AF,
winds in the trees perhaps other fellatio, or coming upon breasts.

Emily Dickinson knows and shows the male is both bird and worm:


Our little Kinsmen -- after Rain
In plenty may be seen,
A Pink and Pulpy multitude
The tepid Ground upon.

A needless life, it seemed to me
Until a little Bird
As to a Hospitality
Advanced and breakfasted.

As I of He, so God of Me
I pondered, may have judged,
And left the little Angle Worm
With Modesties enlarged.

    --N.B. Modesties enlarged!

Topologically, man is a worm, a donut. And the bible uses worm of man much.
But the worm entered Jonah's gourd to destroy it; So it is likely penile.

Also ED wrote:


A Bird came down the Walk --
He did not know I saw --
He bit an Angleworm in halves
And ate the fellow, raw,

But like Exupery's elephant-eating-boa, identity allows boa-eating-elephant.

This URL yields an insight: son-of-man is son-of-adam; but man is son-of-enosh
etymologically. Adam was the fallen man; But Enoch was the translated man;
q.v also for fire...

This quote may describe ordinary coitus; But simultaneity of AF makes a doublet:

When it bites the son of man (בר נשא : [bar nasha']), if the son of man (בר נשא 
: [bar nasha']) reaches the water first, then snake dies; and if the snake 
reaches the water first, the son of man (בר נשא : [bar nasha']) dies.
  Son of man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So the Aztecs fled Xtianity's monsters literally/literally/lit... misconstrued.

What was overhead? The keystone in the arcane arch. The gentital,
unreadable in its ineffable self-reflexivity, and fiery, fervant.

Near ATD P 277, might'nt that just be Wren's own lip rouge on her stockings?

The slavery P protrays lamentably is the un-gnostic state of exoteric Xtianity.

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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