TOLFA: The Need to Read

K3 V iN Cummiskey kevincummiskey at
Thu Sep 4 09:57:20 CDT 2008

To All, (minus robin, whose migrated early this yr. thank-god)

Here is something Jim Davies sent me regarding Tolfa today, which I mentioned earlier. Read the letter here for insight.  Anarchy could be a reality in 20 years or so if people learn about it and pass it (this course along to others).  If you can spare the time it is definitly worth it and it will help you to understand a lot of complexities, which are made complicated through the activity of politics.

--- On Thu, 9/4/08, Jim Davies <jimdav at> wrote:

> From: Jim Davies <jimdav at>
> Subject: TOLFA: The Need to Read
> To: 
> Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 9:26 AM
> Here's a gentle reminder from your Mentor: don't
> neglect to make good 
> use of the Recommended Reading lists at the foot of each
> Segment. 
> refers.
> There are some forty books named, and each adds depth to
> the subject 
> being covered. Few embrace the scope of the Academy itself,
> ie the 
> full elimination of force and fraud, so read them with a
> critical eye 
> open of course - but each delves into much more detail
> about each 
> topic than can be covered in a single interactive web page.
> So do 
> take the time to enhance your freedom education!
> It's best to get and read them as you are working
> through the course, 
> but any omitted then can be acquired later. Laissez-Faire
> is still 
> struggling to get re-established, so search Amazon etc for
> the 
> titles, and of course your copy doesn't have to be
> brand-new.
> All forty should not cost much more than $500 if some are
> bought 
> used, and that sum is trivial in the context of a radical
> new 
> understanding of life and of the end of the government age,
> to which 
> your participation in TOLFA's growth will inevitably
> lead.
> Please pass this reminder along to those whom you mentor
> (in your own 
> words, by all means) and as always, let me know if I can
> help.
> Best wishes,
> Jim Davies


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