ATD: unanswered questions #2

bandwraith at bandwraith at
Sat Sep 20 17:57:51 CDT 2008


"That's not an invitation, that's a command."

  St. Cosmo, spying at length a clear patch of meadow
  among the vast populations of airships already berthed
  below, had given the order, "Prepare to descend."

  "As I'm sure it has not escaped your attention,
  Blundell's ineptness with the Main Valve..."

  ...for it had already allowed an enormous quantity
  of hydrogen gas to escape the envelope in a
  sudden rush...

  ..."Blundell, what in heaven's name!" Randolph
  exclaimed. "Why you will desrtoy us all"

  "Say, it just got tangled up, Professor," declared

  The valve now remained ajar- the very mouth of Hell.

  "Suckling,!" aloft and quickly!"

  Above him, Darby, with a triumphant "Hurrah!"
  succeeded in closing the valve, and the huge
  airship accordingly slackened in its downward
  hurtling to velocity no more ominous than that
  of a leaf in autumn. (p.11-13)

"A technical glitch has forced scientists to shut down ...

The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
said there had been a major helium leak on Friday into
the tunnel housing the biggest and most complex machine
ever made..."

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