Inherent Vice Review, Cooper Levey-Baker

Robin Landseadel robinlandseadel at
Mon Jul 27 16:22:52 CDT 2009

Why is it that a blog from out of nowhere has far more intelligent  
things to Say about "Inherent Vice" than Louis Menand at the New Yorker?

	 . . .But despite its uncharacteristic focus and brevity, it’s clear
	from sentence structure alone that Inherent Vice could have
	only sprung from the pen of Thomas Pynchon. One early
	sentence describing an LA dry spell goes like this: “In the little
	apartment complexes the wind entered narrowing to whistle
	through the stairwells and ramps and catwalks, and the leaves
	of the palm trees outside rattled together with a liquid sound, so
	that from inside, in the darkened rooms, in louvered light, it
	sounded like a rainstorm, the wind raging in the concrete 	
	geometry, the palms beating together like the rush of a tropical
	downpour, enough to get you to open the door and look
	outside, and of course there’d only be the same hot cloudless
	depth of day, no rain in sight. . . .”

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