The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft

Carvill John johncarvill at
Wed Jul 22 11:51:34 CDT 2009

<< Pynchon received a lot of money---rumors abide--- for Against the Day, which did not earn out, as they say in publishing. >>More info on this?<< His publisher wanted AtD-- remember "most accessible"--to sell and sell, maybe even bestsel>>Really? Maybe they ought to have devised some sort of marketing strategy! As I recall, there wasn't even a website for ATD. In fact their marketing was so piss poor that Doug even came up with teh theory that their non-advertising *was* advertising, that they were playing a game of genius 'viral' marketing.IV may be a book to bring P a wider readership. But how are people gonna *know* it's a more accessible work? Possibly P still holds his publisher back from certain types of marketing? And obviously he ain't gonna start Twittering any time soon.....
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